- UTIL pan-os-php type=$utiltype is the only supported UTIL script for the future, all other UTIL script are set to deprecated
- UTIL pan-os-php UI - move to local file usage
- UTIL all script - introduce new argument "shadow-nojson"
- UTIL UI - improvement to get filter correctly working for operators like ">,<,=,!"
- UTIL UI - starting on extended version
- UTIL UI - extend to delete additional actions/filter column
- UTIL develop - add multiple script in specific for downloading PAN-OS software
- UTIL develop | introduce API creation testing script for different objects
- UTIL develop | introduce reset-config and software-remove script
- UTIL develop | software-downloader.php improve exception support
- UTIL introduce new ALIAS: pa_license / pa_software-preparation / pa_software-downloader / pa_config-commit / pa_config-reset / pa_get_system-user-info / pa_software-remove / pa_system-log / pa_traffic-log
- UTIL pan-os-php API - bugfix in relation to shadow-json and previous code reduction
- UTIL pa_key-manager | bugfix to add host like license-apikey/bpa-apikey/ldap-password/maxmind-licensekey only once and delete previous available key
- UTIL class UTIL.php | bugfix for adding Audit-Comment
- UTIL pa_key-manager | bugfix to correctly add password/licensekey if used with add=ldap-password/maxmind-licensekey
- Dockerfiles - extend to different PHP versions
- App-ID version: 8497-7093 update
- framework examples | update 'example-panapiconnector.php'