- PAN-OS-PHP API - bugfix for PHP8.1
- all edit script with method PAN-OS API - introduce sending audit-comment information - default setting "PAN-OS-PHP $UTILtype $timedate"
- pa_rule-edit | 'actions=exportToExcel:FILE.html,ResolveAddressSummary|ResolveserviceSummary|ResolveApplicationsummary' - improve resolveservicesummary, if application-default is used in service and app-id has specified apps
- pa_zone-edit | introduce actions=name-rename:NewZoneNAME
- UTIL all script | introduce new argument "auditComment=XYZ" to bring in your custom auditComment
- UTIL all script - remove duplicate header / footer
- UTIL all script - optimise to always use single method entry from PAN-OS-PHP
- UTIL script download predefined PAN-OS content data - bugfix/workaround if PAN-OS API bring in double <return
- pa_tag-edit | actions=created:NewTag - bugfix to not error out on PAN-OS API - first check if NewTag is already availalble
- framework class App | bugfix as FawkesConf has no appstore at shared level / has no SHARED level
- UTIL pa_rule-edit | actions=display,ResolveServiceSummary bringing back consistent output for port and application-default app-id port
- class PanAPIConnector - bugfix if connection timeout
- framework - content id update to version 8494-7079
- class PanAPIConnector - extend AuditComment usage to all kind of manipulation API request set/rename/delete/edit
- class PanAPIConnector | improve behaviour to request username / password if wrong APIKEY is stored in .panconfkeystore