Internet Users Country-wise 1980-2020
The following dataset has information about internet users from 1980-2020. Details about the columns are as follows:
- Entity - Contains the name of the countries and the regions
- Code - Information about country code and where code has the value 'Region', it denotes division by grouping various countries.
- Year - Year from 1980-2020
- Cellular Subscription - Mobile phone subscriptions per 100 people. This number can get over 100 when the average person has more than one subscription to a mobile service.
- Internet Users(%) - The share of the population that is accessing the internet for all countries of the world.
- No. of Internet Users - Number of people using the Internet in every country.
- Broadband Subscription - The number of fixed broadband subscriptions per 100 people. This refers to fixed subscriptions to high-speed access to the public Internet (a TCP/IP connection), at downstream speeds equal to, or greater than, 256 kbit/s.
Here are 9 good questions to be answered or visualized after analyzing the data by a data scientist/analyst:
- How has the number of internet users changed globally from 1980 to 2020?
- Which countries, excluding those with a penetration rate of 0%, have the highest and lowest internet penetration rates in the most recent year?
- Which countries have experienced the highest average annual growth in Internet Users?
- Is there a correlation between cellular subscriptions and the percentage of internet users in different region?
- What is the overall trend of broadband subscription rates across income groups?
- Can we identify any outliers or anomalies in the dataset related to internet usage?
- How has the ratio of cellular subscriptions to broadband subscriptions changed over time in different countries?
- Are there any significant differences in internet usage patterns between developed and developing countries? 9 Can we predict future internet usage trends based on historical data and patterns?
These questions can provide valuable insights into the global internet landscape, regional disparities, technology adoption, and user behavior. By visualizing the data through charts, graphs, maps, or other visual representations, the findings can be communicated effectively and facilitate a deeper understanding of the trends and patterns in internet usage
- analysis.ipynb: Jupyter Notebook containing the data analysis and answers to the research questions.
- visualizations.pptx: PowerPoint presentation summarizing the visualizations and key findings. Feel free to explore the Jupyter Notebook and PowerPoint presentation to gain more insights into the dataset and analysis.
The dataset used in this project may have its own licensing terms. Please refer to the source for information regarding the dataset's license.