This plugin adds the following features to etherpad-lite:
- User-Management System
- Group-Management System
- Optionally allow register of new users
- Optionally allow public pads
- Administration interface
In order to use this plugin you have to configure Etherpad Lite to use MySQL as backend database.
At the moment you still cannot install the plugin from the administrator interface so you have to clone it:
git clone
cp ep_maadix/ep_maadix/email.json.template ep_maadix/ep_maadix/email.json
cd etherpad-lite
npm install ../ep_maadix/ep_maadix
In the near future this command should replace the previous ones:
npm install git+
Then use the provided SQL script to create the schema:
mysql -u USER -p < sql_listing.sql
It is based in these other plugins that were unmaintained at the time of the development: