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A branch-and-bound library for Julia: This package is no longer supported, use EAGO.jl instead.

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  • Matthew Wilhelm, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of Connecticut (UCONN)

Table of Contents


To install the package, from within Julia do

julia> Pkg.add("EAGOBranchBound")


This package is meant to provide a flexible framework for implementing branch-and-bound based optimization routines in Julia. All components of the branch-and-bound routine can be customized by the individual user: lower bounding problem, upper bounding problem, .


Package Structure

The package consists of a main solve algorithm that executes as depicted in the flowchart below. Routines for setting the objects to implement standard B&B routines are also provided using a set_default!() function.


  • The preprocessing routine has inputs (feas,X,UBD,k,d,opt) and outputs feas::Bool,X::Vector{Interval{Float64}}. The initial feasibility flag is feas, the bounds on the variables are X, the current upper bound is UBD, the iteration number is k, the node depth is d, and a solver option storage object is opt.
  • The lower bounding routine has inputs (X,k,d,opt,UBDg) and provides outputs (val,soln,feas,Lsto). The value of the subproblem is val, the solution of the subproblem is soln, it's feasibility is feas, and Lsto is a problem information storage object.
  • The upper bounding routine has inputs (X,k,d,opt,UBDg) and provides outputs (val,soln,feas,Usto). he value of the subproblem is val, the solution of the subproblem is soln, it's feasibility is feas, and Uto is a problem information storage object.
  • The postprocessing routine has inputs (feas,X,k,d,opt,Lsto,Usto,LBDg,UBDg) and outputs feas::Bool,X::Vector{Interval{Float64}}.
  • The repeat check has inputs (s,m,X0,X) where s::BnBSolver is a solver object, m::BnBModel is a model object, X0::Vector{Interval{Float64}} are node bounds after preprocessing, and X::Vector{Interval{Float64}} are the node bounds generated after postprocessing. Returns a boolean.
  • The bisection function has inputs (s,m,X) where s::BnBSolver is a solver object, m::BnBModel is a model object, and X::Vector{Interval{Float64}} is the box to bisect. It returns two boxes.
  • The termination check has inputs (s,m,k) where s::BnBSolver is a solver object, m::BnBModel is a model object, and k::Int64 is the iteration number. Returns a boolean.
  • The convergence check has inputs (s,UBDg,LBD) where s::BnBSolver is a solver object, UBDg is the global upper bound, and LBD is the lower bound.

Example 1 - Setup and Solve a Basic Problem

In the below example, we solve for minima of f(x)=x1+x22 on the domain [-1,1] by [2,9]. Natural interval extensions are used to compute the upper and lower bounds. The natural interval extensions are provided by the Validated Numerics package.

First, we create a BnBModel object which contains all the relevant problem info and a BnBSolver object that contains all nodes and their associated values. We specify default conditions for the Branch and Bound problem. Default conditions are a best-first search, relative width bisection, normal verbosity, a maximum of 1E6 nodes, an absolute tolerance of 1E-6, and a relative tolerance of 1E-3.

using EAGOBranchBound
using ValidatedNumerics
b = [Interval(-1,1),Interval(1,9)]
a = BnBModel(b)
c = BnBSolver()
c.BnB_atol = 1E-4

Next, the lower and upper bounding problems are defined. These problems must return a tuple containing the upper/lower value, a point corresponding the upper/lower value, and the feasibility of the problem. We then set the lower/upper problem of the BnBModel object and solve the BnBModel & BnBSolver pair.

function ex_LBP(X,k,pos,opt,temp)
  ex_LBP_int = @interval X[1]+X[2]^2
  return ex_LBP_int.lo, mid.(X), true, []
function ex_UBP(X,k,pos,opt,temp)
  ex_UBP_int = @interval X[1]+X[2]^2
  return ex_UBP_int.hi, mid.(X), true, []

c.Lower_Prob = ex_LBP
c.Upper_Prob = ex_UBP

outy = solveBnB!(c,a)

The solution is then returned in b.soln and b.UBDg is it's value. The corresponding output displayed to the console is given below.


Example 2 - Adjust Solver Tolerances

The absolute tolerance can be adjusted as shown below

julia> a.BnB_tol = 1E-4

The relative tolerance can be changed in a similar manner

julia> a.BnB_rtol = 1E-3

Example 3 - Select Alternative Search Routines

In the above problem, the search routine could be set to a breadth-first or depth-first routine by using the set_Branch_Scheme command

julia> EAGOBranchBound.set_Branch_Scheme!(a,"breadth")
julia> EAGOBranchBound.set_Branch_Scheme!(a,"depth")

Example 4 - Adjust Information Printed

In order to print, node information in addition to iteration information the verbosity of the BnB routine can be set to full as shown below

julia> EAGOBranchBound.set_Verbosity!(a,"Full")

Similiarly, if one wishes to suppress all command line outputs, the verbosity can be set to none.

julia> EAGOBranchBound.set_Verbosity!(a,"None")

Branch-and-Bound Background

The majority of deterministic global optimization techniques use a branch-and-bound framework (or the closely related branch-and-reduce framework). Branch-and-bound search algorithms operate by partitioning a compact parameter space into a series of non-overlapping spaces (termed nodes). Upper and lower bounds of the function on a node are estimated, then compared with a global upper and lower bound. Any node that is found with an lower bound below the global upper bound is discarded (fathomed).


  • Floudas, Christodoulos A. Deterministic global optimization: theory, methods and applications. Vol. 37. Springer Science & Business Media, 2013.
  • Horst, Reiner, and Hoang Tuy. Global optimization: Deterministic approaches. Springer Science & Business Media, 2013.

Related Packages

  • ValidatedNumerics.jl, a Julia library for validated interval calculations, including basic interval extensions, constraint programming, and interval contactors
  • IntervalOptimisation.jl, implements a branch-and-bound type global optimization routine using validated interval arithmetic