The PPUC config-tool is a web application to configure your controllers. it is still WIP.
Just follow the instructions for your operating system. But even if not
documented well, even for Linux we recommended to install DDEV via brew
The PPUC ecosystem will require homebrew anyway. And it is always better to use
a package manager.
For macOS these are the essential steps:
brew install docker
brew install orbstack
brew install drud/ddev/ddev
mkcert -install
For Linux install docker according to Afterwards install DDEV:
brew install drud/ddev/ddev
mkcert -install
Now clone this project somewhere in your home directory. It is recommended to create a PPUC directory first where you can also clone other PPUC components.
mkdir PPUC
git clone
cd config-tool
ddev start
ddev drush site:install ppuc --site-name="Pinball Power-Up Controller" --account-name=admin --account-pass=admin --existing-config -y
ddev drush dcdi --folder=sites/default/files/default_content --preserve-ids -y
Now you can open in your browser and login using ppuc as username and ppuc as password.
When you restart your computer you need to start ddev again:
cd PPUC/config-tool
ddev start
Once ddev has been started you can also update to the latest version of the config-tool. It is recommended to export your games before performing the update.
Within PPUC/config-tool
ddev snapshot
git pull
ddev drush deploy
ddev drush dcdi --folder=sites/default/files/default_content --preserve-ids --force-override -y
TODO: import/update ppuc profile default content after drush deploy