v1.0.0 - new CRAN release
PLNmodels 1.0.0
Breaking changes
interface for controlling the fits now use list generated by dedicated functions
- PLN_param() for PLN
- PLNLDA_param() for PLNLDA
- PLNnetwork_param() for PLNnetwork
- PLNPCA_param() for PLNPCA
- PLNmixture_param() for PLNmixture
The use of 'control = list()' is deprecated: the code stop and send an error.
The regression coefficients are now denoted by B, not Theta, such as B = t(Theta).
We keep on sending back Theta as a field of myPLN$model_par$Theta, but this will soon be deprecated
New features
- added Barents fish data set
- support for PLN when (inverse) covariance is known/fixed
- estimator of the variance of the model parameters
- integration of sandwich estimator of the variance-covariance of Theta when Sigma is fixed
- variational estimation of the variance-covariance based on variational approximation of the Fisher information
- jackknife estimation of the variance of Theta and Sigma
- bootstrap estimation of the variance of Theta and Sigma
- handle list of penalty weights in PLNnetwork
- first support for torch optimizers (for PLN and PLNLDA)
Bug fixes
- fix in objective functions of ve_step of standard PLN models
- fix in objective functions of main of standard PLN models