released this
27 Nov 21:22
157 commits
to master
since this release
New config files are necessary for this release. Please delete your all of your old Ancient Warfare config files and allow them to be regenerated with the new default values.
Please back up your world before updating to this version. If you encounter any problems during the update, please report them here.
Change Log:
- NEW - Add Worksite Chunkloader upgrades. These force-load the chunks for the workstite block and all blocks in its work bounds.
- NEW - Add / command to manipulate research data for players. /awresearch -- see the manual for more info.
- CHANGE - Swap over to using the Forge in-game config system. Removes the f7 conflict with NEI. Use the Mods button on the main screen, scroll to Ancient Warfare, and click the options/config button.
- NEW - Add / command to manipulate faction standing for players /awfaction -- see the manual for more info.
- NEW - Add a config list for blocks to skip during structure scanning. These should include any blocks that are known to cause issues in structure templates, or other air-like blocks (railcraft hidden blocks, etc...).
- NEW - Add a pack of default structures for world generation. World Generation is enabled by default, you may disable it in the Structures module configuration file.
- NEW - Add a selection of default structures for use in the drafting station. These are mostly the default vanilla village houses.
- NEW - Add Bard and Trader NPC types. See the instruction manual for more information. Default songs are included for the bard, see instruction manual for list of names and times/lengths.
- NEW - Add full RF support for Torque power system.
- NEW - Update support for BC 6.1.x, remove support for old BC-MJ API.
- NEW - Add open-source license for mod. GPL 3+. See included license details for more information.
- NEW - Survival mode structure builder will now render bounds around the area that it is constructing in.
- NEW - Fully animated all tiles for the torque power system. Many changes to placement and handling. See instruction manual for details.
- NEW - Add waterwheel generator. See instruction manual for placement details.
- NEW - Add windmill power generator (and cosmetic) multi-block structure. See instruction manual for details.
- CHANGE - Update faction-owned npc archer ai to not chase targets so blatantly.
- FIX - Drafting station should no longer allow selection of structures that are not flagged for survival mode.
- FIX - Clean up drafting station GUI, reposition preview picture and add labels to needed-resource lists.
- FIX - Structure system will now properly load preview images from .zip structure packs.
- FIX - Clean up some language/translation keys for item tooltips.
- FIX - Remove phantom mouse click upon first opening a GUI.
- CHANGE - Update the default minimum duplicate distance for structures world-generation to a more reasonable level. Config file will need to be regenerated to see this change.
- FIX - Fix support for flower pots in structure system to accommodate the new flower types and new data format.
- FIX - Fully support use of instant structure builders while in survival mode. The structure to be built must be selected by someone in creative mode before being used in survival.
- FIX - Fix a rendering issue in Warehouse GUI that would cause the bottom row of items to not fully render.
- FIX - Clean up handling of text-input boxes that would sometimes make it impossible to close a GUI without re-selecting a text-box first.
- FIX - Clean up handling of scroll-wheel in many GUIs that would cause it to be unresponsive while hovering over other GUI elements.
- FIX - Clean up many instances of color/tint leaking through in GUIs. Should solve some strangely colored slots and/or GUI elements.
- CHANGE - Update the default skippable blocks list for structure generation. This should fix many issues such as structures spawning in the bottom of the ocean. You will need to regenerate your structures-module config file for this fix to take effect.
- FIX - NPC Custom health override should now properly set the NPCs max-health.
- FIX - NPC Medics should now properly heal nearby injured friendly units.
- FIX - Block selection in worksite target GUI. Should now work properly.
- FIX - Improve command baton interaction with NPCs. It should now function much more reliably and logically.
- FIX - NPCs resurrected by player-owned NPC priests would respawn with items intact. They now respawn naked as they should.
- FIX - Death/killed by message should now be properly translated when killed by an NPC.
- FIX - Incorrect textures on worksite size upgrade items.
- FIX - Rotation and placement of entities in the Structure System.
- FIX - Animal Farm max number of animals selection not load/saving properly.
- FIX - Tree Farm worksite will no longer pick up non-log blocks.
- FIX - NPCs will now push themselves out of solid blocks. Should resolve issues of NPCs possibly suffocating on world reload due to vanilla repositioning issues.
- FIX - Fix up many issues that would cause workers to stall out.
- FIX - Fix up some performance issues related to worksite inventories, esp. tree-farms.
- FIX - Add Shift-click item-transfer functionality to several GUIs where it was missing.
- FIX - Fix up many block rotation / duplication issues in the structure system.