By uploading you image to this repo, you give permission for your logo to be used on the Umbraco Community Swag store -
- Please upload your image in PNG format with a transparent background
- High Res Images required - Make sure your images are high res. For best results use PNG24 images around 2500px by 3500px (sRGB)
- If your design usually has thin lines in it, make sure your lines are at least 2mm wide. Microscopic text or hair-width lines may not resolve or may appear broke
- Where possible, please update this readme with your website / package / umbraco related link that you use your logo on.
- If you can't use github for any reason, please contact me on the details below
Any questions, please get in touch with Owain via / @[email protected]
Please use the format - filename - link to website
- owaincodeslogo.png /
- accessibility-reporter.png /
- owainjonesdev_logo_black.png / owainjonesdev_logo_white.png /
- UmbraCymru_logo.png /
- arjo_fullstack.png /