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OSM Vector Tile Server using OpenMapTiles and Postile


This tutorial aims to create a full vector tile server based on the great OpenMapTiles project.

This example is really close to the openmaptiles quickstart guide except that we don't want to store our data in a dockerised container. We also want to serve tiles directly from PostGIS instead of mbtiles. For this last point Postile will be used to replace the generation of the MBTiles file.

System requirements

Docker. Minimum version is 1.12.3+.

Database requirements

The dependencies below are extracted from this Dockerfile.

This procedure has been tested on Debian Sid only, you'll probably have to adapt it to your environment/OS.

The couple PostgreSQL 10 / PostGIS 2.4.3 was tested for this tutorial. You can simply install all the PG stuffs with:

sudo apt install postgresql-server-dev-10 postgresql-10-postgis-2.4

NB: postgis >= 2.4.0 is required (with st_asmvt* functions)

sudo apt install libkakasi2-dev libutf8proc-dev pandoc libicu-dev
git clone
cd mapnik-german-l10n 
sudo make install

sudo -u postgres psql 
create user osm with password 'osm';
create database osm with owner osm;
\c osm 
create extension postgis;
create extension hstore;
create extension unaccent;
create extension fuzzystrmatch;
create extension osml10n;

Storing the gateway IP of the Docker bridge interface to be able to connect from the container to our local PostgreSQL:

$ export PG_GATEWAY=$(docker network inspect bridge | jq -r .[0].IPAM.Config[0].Gateway)

Change the PostgreSQL configuration to allow interacting with container's tools:

# ensure listen_addresses = '*' is uncommented in postgresql.conf
# ensure pg_hba config allows authenticating from docker "172.17.0.*" addresses 

Prepare the tileset

Extracted from docker-compose.yml and the OpenMapTiles README

  1. Build the imposm mapping, the tm2source project and collect all SQL scripts

     mkdir -p build/openmaptiles.tm2source
     docker run -v $(pwd):/tileset -v $(pwd)/build:/sql --rm openmaptiles/openmaptiles-tools generate-tm2source openmaptiles.yaml --port=5432 --database="osm" --user="osm" --password="osm" > build/openmaptiles.tm2source/data.yml
     docker run -v $(pwd):/tileset -v $(pwd)/build:/sql --rm openmaptiles/openmaptiles-tools generate-imposm3 openmaptiles.yaml > build/mapping.yaml
     docker run -v $(pwd):/tileset -v $(pwd)/build:/sql --rm openmaptiles/openmaptiles-tools generate-sql openmaptiles.yaml > build/tileset.sql
  2. Download and load OSM dataset (example used is the Rhône-Alpes area in France)

     wget -P data/
     docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/data:/import -v $(pwd)/build:/mapping -e POSTGRES_DB="osm" -e POSTGRES_PORT="5432" -e POSTGRES_HOST=$PG_GATEWAY -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="osm" -e POSTGRES_USER="osm" -e DIFF_MODE="FALSE" openmaptiles/import-osm:0.5
     docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/data:/import openmaptiles/generate-osmborder
     docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/data:/import -e POSTGRES_DB="osm" -e POSTGRES_PORT="5432" -e POSTGRES_HOST=$PG_GATEWAY -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="osm" -e POSTGRES_USER="osm" openmaptiles/import-osmborder:0.4
  3. Download additional non-OSM data

     docker run --rm -e POSTGRES_DB="osm" -e POSTGRES_PORT="5432" -e POSTGRES_HOST=$PG_GATEWAY -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="osm" -e POSTGRES_USER="osm" openmaptiles/import-water:1.1
     docker run --rm -e POSTGRES_DB="osm" -e POSTGRES_PORT="5432" -e POSTGRES_HOST=$PG_GATEWAY -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="osm" -e POSTGRES_USER="osm" openmaptiles/import-natural-earth:1.4
     docker run --rm -e POSTGRES_DB="osm" -e POSTGRES_PORT="5432" -e POSTGRES_HOST=$PG_GATEWAY -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="osm" -e POSTGRES_USER="osm" openmaptiles/import-lakelines:1.0
  4. Grab some wikipedia data used for translations (WARNING: this part can take a while since the file to download is ~30GB) If you don't care about translations, you can skip the first command, the second one will create the empty relations for next steps.

     docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/wikidata:/import --entrypoint /usr/src/app/ openmaptiles/import-wikidata:0.1
     docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/wikidata:/import -e POSTGRES_DB="osm" -e POSTGRES_PORT="5432" -e POSTGRES_HOST=$PG_GATEWAY -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="osm" -e POSTGRES_USER="osm" openmaptiles/import-wikidata:0.1
  5. Load sql wrappers used for rendering

     docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/build:/sql -e POSTGRES_DB="osm" -e POSTGRES_PORT="5432" -e POSTGRES_HOST="" -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="osm" -e POSTGRES_USER="osm" openmaptiles/import-sql:0.8

Choose a Mapbox GL style

You can grab the style.json in this repository for testing (based on the klokantech basic gl style) and download the fonts needed for it:

mkdir fonts 
cd fonts 


Now we are ready to serve our tiles with Postile (note: depending on your pg_hba, your --phost, --pguser and --pgpassword may differ):

postile --help
postile --cors --tm2 build/openmaptiles.tm2source/data.yml --style style.json --fonts fonts/ --pghost --pguser osm --pgpassword osm

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