The Ultimate Open Source WebChat Platform
Checkout the latest version at
Available from the AppStore:
Get the app for your Android phone:
Now compatible with all Android devices as old as version 4.0.x - download here, even on BlackBerry Passport!
Host your own Rocket.Chat server in four seconds flat:
Try it on Ubuntu:
Deploy on VPS or standalone server
Try it with docker:
Download the Native Cross-Platform Desktop Application at Rocket.Chat.Electron
Rocket.Chat is a Web Chat Server, developed in JavaScript, using the Meteor fullstack framework.
It is a great solution for communities and companies wanting to privately host their own chat service or for developers looking forward to build and evolve their own chat platforms.
Yes, we made it to the #1
Your own open source Slack-like chat
An open source Web based, channel based chat system (a la Slack) built using Meteor, the full stack JavaScript development platform.
Para los programadores que quieran ofrecer un chat en su web
Un chat de código abierto que puedes añadir a la web
Why Slack when you can
- BYOS (bring your own server)
- Multiple Rooms
- Direct Messages
- Private Groups
- Public Channels
- Desktop Notifications
- Mentions
- Avatars
- Markdown
- Emojis
- Media Embeds
- Link Previews
- Sent Message Edit and Deletion
- Transcripts / History
- File Upload / Sharing
- Full text search
- Live chat / Messaging call center
- LDAP Authentication
- Support for Okta SSO through SAML v2
- I18n - Supports 22 Languages
- Hubot Friendly
- Face to Face Video Conferencing (aka WebRTC)
- Multi-users Video Group Chat
- Audio calls
- Multi-users Audio Conference
- Screensharing
- Remote Locations Video Monitoring
- Chat-ops powered by Hubot: scalable horizontal app integration (early access)
- Native Cross-Platform Desktop Application Windows, Mac OSX, or Linux
- Mobile app for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch Download on AppStore!
- Mobile app for Android phone, tablet, and TV stick Available now on Google Play!
- instant Rocket.Chat server Now on Sandstorm App Store
- Support multiple teams on the same instance / same VPS infrastructure: Issue #658, Issue #630
- Support for PostgreSQL: Issue #533, Issue #822
- Native iOS Application Issue #270, Rocket.Chat.iOS - HELP WANTED
- Native Android Application Issue #271 - HELP WANTED
- Off-the-Record (OTR) Messaging Issue #36, Issue #268 - HELP WANTED
- API-enabled methods: Issue #202, Issue #454, Issue #455, Issue #759
- Scalable WebRTC broadcaster / media-server integration, Issue #1118 - HELP WANTED
- Kerberos Authentication: Issue #839
- XMPP Multi-user chat (MUC): Issue #404
- More webhooks: GitLab, Confluence, Jira, Piwik, Wordpress: Issue #233, Issue #525, Issue #637, Issue #638, Issue #747
- Clusterize / Decentralize: Issue #520, Issue #601
- Anonymous use of Rocket.Chat: Issue #604
- File Sharing via P2P and Scalable Multicast: Issue #369, Issue #370
- Anti-virus checking on file uploads: Issue #757
- Massively scalable hosting and provisioning
Github Issues are used to track todos, bugs, feature requests, and more.
The docker image is ready. Everyone can start hacking the adapter code, or launch his/her own bot within a few minutes now. Please head over to the Hubot Integration Project for more information.
Integrate your application with fly-in panels today! Early access is available for developers.
We are developing the APIs based on the competition, so stay tuned and you will see a lot happening here.
Checkout Github Wiki (coming soon)
Follow these deployment instructions.
Solid five-nines deployment with industry workhorse FreeBSD (coming soon).
Easy one click install right from your Ubuntu Desktop (coming soon).
Use the automated build at our Official Docker Registry
docker pull rocketchat/
Host your docker container at Get an account and use the quickstarter
Host your own Rocket.Chat server for FREE with One-Click Deploy
Now just clone and start the app:
git clone
cd Rocket.Chat
or use docker:
git clone
cd Rocket.Chat
docker run -it -p 3000:3000 -v "$(pwd)":/app danieldent/meteor
Thanks to Diego Sampaio, Gabriel Engel, Marcelo Schmidt, Rafael Caferati, Rodrigo Nascimento, Sing Li, Aaron Ogle, Graywolf336
Emoji provided free by Emoji One
Performance monitoring provided by Kadira
A lot of work has already gone into Rocket.Chat, but we have much bigger plans for it!
So if you'd like to be part of the project, please check out the roadmap and issues to see if there's anything you can help with.
We are experimenting Lingohub. If you want to help, send an email to support at to be invited to the translation project.
Join the conversation at Twitter, Facebook or Google Plus
Note that Rocket.Chat is distributed under the MIT License.
Rocket.Chat will be free forever, but you can help us speed-up the development!