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Python Type Hints are Turing Complete


We present a reduction from Turing machines to Python type hints. The Turing machine accepts its input if and only if the Python program is correctly typed.

How did it happen?

Python enhancement proposal (PEP) 484 added optional type hints to the Python programming language. One of the features of the proposed type system is nominal subtyping with variance. Radu Grigore showed that this particular form of subtyping is Turing complete by describing a reduction from Turing machines to class tables. This project applies Radu's construction with Python type hints.

How can I try it?

Here is one possible script (also found in typing_machines/

from import *  # import application
with open("", "w") as python_file:  # write palindromes machine and input "abbabba"
    python_file.write(encode(Algorithm.Grigore, palindromes, "abbabba"))
sleep(1)  # wait for write operation
with Popen(["mypy", ""]) as p:  # run mypy
    retcode = p.wait(timeout=10)
assert retcode == 0  # compiles successfully, "abbabba" is a palindrome
with open("", "w") as python_file:  # write palindromes machine and input "abbbaba"
    python_file.write(encode(Algorithm.Grigore, palindromes, "abbbaba"))
sleep(1)  # wait for write operation
with Popen(["mypy", ""]) as p:  # run mypy
    retcode = p.wait(timeout=10)
assert retcode != 0  # does not compile, "abbbaba" is not a palindrome

The palindromes Turing machine is defined in typing_machines/examples/ You can add new machines in this file.

Wait, so mypy can get into an infinite loop?

Kind of. As with many other compilers, the subtyping algorithm implemented in mypy is recursive, so, recursion + infinite loop = stack overflow. In fact, even this simple program makes mypy throw a segmentation fault:

from typing import TypeVar, Generic
T = TypeVar("T", contravariant=True)
class N(Generic[T]): ...
class C(N[N["C"]]): ...
_: N[C] = C()

This is not a mypy bug. The problem of verifying Python type hints is undecidable, so mypy getting stuck for certain programs is unavoidable.

What's new?

We introduce an alternative construction that is supposed to compile much faster for large inputs. You can try the new construction by using Algorithm.Roth instead of Algorithm.Grigore in the script above.

Is my type checker in danger?

We simulate Turing machines and infinite loops at the type level using contravariant type parameters. Thus, your type checker can get into an infinite loop using our methods only if it supports variance as described in PEP 484.

Type Checker Discipline Supports Variance?
Mypy 0.991 static
Pyre 0.9.17 static
Pyright 1.1.279 static
Pytype 2022.11.10 static
Pyanalyze 0.8.0 static
Pydantic 1.10.2 dynamic
Pytypes 1.0b10 dynamic
Typeguard 2.13.3 dynamic
Typical 2.8.0 dynamic

The programs used to obtain these results are found in motivation/static and motivation/dynamic.

Note that Pyright is unsound, which means that it reports errors for correctly-typed programs, so its variance support is only partial. For example, the code in motivation/static/ is correctly typed, Mypy and Pyre report no error when checking the file, but Pyright does report an error.


Python type hints are Turing complete.






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