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LAST VERSION (3.0.5)Linux, (3.0.3)Windows
Program: 548 lines.
==========#Program for python3.5 with modules:==========
- tkinter
- sqlite3
- sys
- os
- GamingIntro
- time
- playsound
- random
- threading
- HighscoreManager
- FeedbackInterface
- Preferences
- ErrorCase
- webbrowser
- 'p' for pause and resume game
- 'F3' for development mode (You can't die and there are borders)
- 'spacebar' to kick the bird
To reset game you need to open game and click the menu button Preferences
and then the button Reset Game
or you have to delete the folder .FlappyBird in your home directory
For an edition without python you have to download the .exe file for windows.