OpenPIV consists in a Python and Cython modules for scripting and executing the analysis of a set of PIV image pairs. In addition, a Qt and Tk graphical user interfaces are in development, to ease the use for those users who don't have python skills.
The OpenPIV python version is still in its beta state. This means that it still might have some bugs and the API may change. However, testing and contributing is very welcome, especially if you can contribute with new algorithms and features.
Click the link - thanks to BinderHub, Jupyter and Conda you can now get it in your browser with zero installation:
Use PyPI:
pip install openpiv
conda install -c openpiv openpiv
Or Poetry
poetry add openpiv
Download the package from the Github: or clone using git
git clone
Using distutils create a local (in the same directory) compilation of the Cython files:
python build_ext --inplace
Or for the global installation, use:
python install
The OpenPIV documentation is available on the project web page at
- Tutorial Notebook 1
- Tutorial notebook 2
- Dynamic masking tutorial
- Multipass with Windows Deformation
- Multiple sets in one notebook
- 3D PIV
These and many additional examples are in another repository: OpenPIV-Python-Examples
- Alex Liberzon
- Roi Gurka
- Zachary J. Taylor
- David Lasagna
- Mathias Aubert
- Pete Bachant
- Cameron Dallas
- Cecyl Curry
- Theo Käufer
- Andreas Bauer
- David Bohringer
- Erich Zimmer
- Peter Vennemann
- Lento Manickathan
- Yuri Ishizawa
Copyright statement:
is a Python version of smoothn.m
originally created by D. Garcia [], written by Prof. Lewis and available on Github []. We include a version of it in the openpiv
folder for convenience and preservation. We are thankful to the original authors for releasing their work as an open source. OpenPIV license does not relate to this code. Please communicate with the authors regarding their license.