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Supported WebDAV methods

Adrien Castex edited this page Jun 1, 2017 · 2 revisions

The server provides methods to implements the WebDAV specifications, but it is possible to add your own methods and to override these methods with yours. You can do so thanks to the method method of the WebDAVServer instance. You can also manage the behavior of the server when a requested method is not implemented thanks to the method onUnknownMethod of the WebDAVServer instance.

List of available methods

Method Description
NotImplemented Default behavior when the requested method is not implemented. It returns a 501 Not implemented to the client.
Proppatch Set/Remove properties to/from a resource.
Propfind Get information about a resource (name, properties, locks, etc...). The content is not parsed yet (making this behavior not completely compliant with the RFC4918).
Options Get the list of supported methods.
Delete Delete a resource.
Unlock Unlock a resource. It needs the Lock-Token header.
Mkcol Create a directory type resource.
Copy Copy a resource. It needs the Destination header.
Lock Lock a resource, preventing it from being written. This method can refresh a lock if the If header is provided.
Move Move a resource. It needs the Destination header.
Head Make a Get but do not send the content. Allow to test if a resource exists and if it can be read.
Post Set the content of a resource or create this one. It is an alias of the Put method. Removing the Put method will keep the Put behavior through the Post method
Put Set the content of a resource or create this one.
Get Get the content of a resource.

More information and examples

In order to get more information and to get some examples of requests, you can look at the RFC4918 page.

Adding methods

A method must follow the WebDAVRequest interface :

type ChunkOnDataCallback = (chunk : Buffer, isFirst : boolean, isLast : boolean) => void
type StartChunkedCallback = (error : HTTPError, onData : ChunkOnDataCallback) => void

interface WebDAVRequest
    (arg : MethodCallArgs, callback : () => void) : void

    startChunked ?: (arg : MethodCallArgs, callback : StartChunkedCallback) => void

When executed, the callback MUST always be called. This will allow the afterRequest functions to be executed and finalize the sending to the client.

The (arg : MethodCallArgs, callback : () => void) : void is the default behavior. It is called when the request is not chunked or if there is no startChunked method.

The startChunked method is useful if you expect a large content. It will allow the management of the request content as a stream. This method should check everything it can before calling the callback. The callback allow this method to send back an error or a function to call everytime a chunk of data is received. If an error is returned, the onData function will never be called.

The MethodCallArgs class is the request/response manager, allowing the method to get information from the request and to send data to the client. It simplify some tasks such as finding a header without case sensitivity.

Adding the method to the server

server.method('INFO', infoMethodExecutor);

This will tell to the server to call the infoMethodExecutor function (or infoMethodExecutor.startChunked if available) when it receives a request with the method info (not case sensitive).

You can find the implementations of the WebDAV methods in here to get some examples.

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