Ahead of #OpenDataHack2018 @CopernicusECMWF, submit and discuss your ideas or challenges with other OpenDataHackers and get a team ready to hack on 9-10 June 2018 at ECMWF!
Brief Guidelines:
- Explore our Hackathon Catalogue of Open Climate Data and Services - we have regrouped everything into one place to make it easier for you to find your way around the wealth of open data and services!
- Submit your idea or challenge as an Issue in the OpenDataHack2018-Challenges repository
- Briefly describe your idea using the Issue Template provided to ensure all details needed are given
- Describe what you need to realise the challenge e.g. how many people needed in the team, role description of team members, complimentary skill sets needed — e.g coders/software developers, designer (graphics/engineer), technologist, a project manager, an innovator), interests, etc....
- A moderator will then label your Issue to facilitate other participants finding your proposed challenge.
- For those who are just browsing through the challenges so far submitted, there is no formal way of signing up for a challenge except by adding a comment to the challenge submitter to claim a position within the team!
Your ideas and challenges should fall within one of the following categories:
Calling on climate data hackers to synthesize available datasets and turn them into useful insights and information (e.g. value-added services)....This is data mining at its best!
Submit your Hack-Data Challenge ideas here and start brainstorming your project with other data hackers!
With visualization at the heart of data communication, this is the opportunity for tools designers to pioneer new apps and show the world the power of climate data! Bring it on!
Submit your Hack-Vis Challenge ideas here and start elaborating your project!
Can you think of any funky and catchy ideas with climate data? Do you want to help widening climate outreach engagement across the wider spectrum of society? This is your chance! Implement your innovating offbeat concept using climate data and you could have the next global craze at your fingertips!
Submit your Hack-Out Challenge ideas here and start building the blocks of your project with other data hackers!
For full details on the event, go to: http://events.ecmwf.int.e/OpenDataHack2018
We want to see you do amazing things with Copernicus open data at ECMWF. So bring it on!!!