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Export API

Sri Maurya Kummamuru edited this page Jan 20, 2021 · 34 revisions
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The API provides an export endpoint for creating, fetching, and deleting a cached export of repository version. Exports are automatically generated upon creation of a new source or collection version and cached, so requesting an export is a quick operation even for a large repository. The recommended method for determining if an export is available after creating a new repository version is by checking the status code of HEAD request to the export, eg HEAD /[:ownerType/]:owner/:repoType/:repo/:repoVersion/export/. The status code is 303 if the export is ready for download, or 204 if it is still processing. Note that the old method of determining when an export is available is by checking the is_processing flag of the repository version, which is set to False after processing of the new repost version is complete. This method is still correct, but if you only need an export and not a fully processed repository version, then the Export API method is more performant as creating and uploading an export to S3 is a much faster operation.

The Export API enables a client to manage cached exports manually for special situations, such as triggering the creation of a new export that did not get cached correctly. The filename of the export contains the export's lastUpdated timestamp, which can be used to fetch the diff between an export and the current state of a source or collection. A Location response header is included in a successful GET request to redirect a client to the download URL, which is designed to be used only once. Therefore, to ensure that the Location URL works correctly, you must make a new export request each time you want to download an export file.

An export is a compressed zip of the JSON results of issuing a GET for a specific repository version. For example, the JSON results contained in an export are equivalent to the following request:

GET /[:ownerType/]:owner/:repoType/:repo/:repoVersion/?includeConcepts=true&includeMappings=true&includeRetired=true&limit=0

In the above:

  • :ownerType is "orgs" or "users", or it is omitted if :owner is "user"
  • :owner is a username if :ownerType is "users", an organization ID if :ownerType is "orgs", or "user"
  • :repoType is "sources" or "collections"
  • :repo is a source or collection ID, depending on the value of :repoType
  • :repoVersion is a source or collection version ID

The export filename takes the following form:


To fetch the diff between a lastUpdated timestamp and the current state of a source or collection:

GET /[:ownerType/]:owner/:repoType/:repo/:repoVersion/?includeConcepts=true&includeMappings=true&includeRetired=true&limit=0&updatedSince=:lastUpdated

Refer to sources and collections documentation for details on the above requests.

The Subscriptions documentation describes how the export functionality can be used to subscribe to a source or collection to keep a client system in synch.

Future Considerations

  • Add lastUpdated into the response header of GET request (right now lastUpdated is only stored in the filename)
  • The current status and progress of the creation of a repository export may be made available through the Flower package

Get an export of a repository version

  • Get the export URL for the specified repository version. This has three possible results:
    • If the export exists, returns a status code of 303 See Other with the Location property in the response header set to the fully specified download URL
    • If the export file does not exist but the URL is correct, returns 204 No Content
    • If the export URL is non-existent, returns 404 Not Found
GET /[:ownerType/]:owner/:repoType/:repo/:repoVersion/export/
HEAD /[:ownerType/]:owner/:repoType/:repo/:repoVersion/export/
  • Notes
    • :repoVersion is required - exports can only be created for repository versions. If HEAD version is requested, the API will return 405 Not Allowed.
    • The API returns the fully specified URL of the export file in the Location attribute of the response header. The Location is designed to be used only once -- to ensure that the Location works correctly, you must request another Location each time you want to download an export file.
    • This request first performs a check as to whether the export file already exists. If it exists, it then generates an Location. These actions are performed on an Amazon Web Server and may take up to 30 seconds to process. The timeout of the client system making the request should set its timeout period accordingly.


  • Fetch the export URL for v2016-08-22 of the CIEL source
GET /orgs/CIEL/sources/CIEL/v2016-08-22/export/
  • Fetch the export URL for v1.2 of the CIEL Starter Set
GET /orgs/CIEL/collections/StarterSet/v1.2/export/


  • If the export file exists:
Status: 303 See Other
Response Header:
  • If the export file does not exist:
Status: 204 No Content
Response Header:
  • If the URL is non-existent
Status: 404 Not Found
  • If the request is otherwise invalid - return the appropriate error code

Create an export of a repository version

  • Create an export file for the specified repository version; if it already exists, no action is taken
POST /[:ownerType/]:owner/:repoType/:repo/:repoVersion/export/
  • Notes
    • :repoVersion is required. If HEAD version is requested, the API will return 405 Not Allowed.
    • This request only triggers the creation of the export file and does NOT return the Location. It is necessary to follow up with a GET request after the file has been processed in order to get the Location


  • Create the export file for v2.2 of the CIEL source
POST /orgs/CIEL/sources/CIEL/v2.2/export/


  • If no export file already exists and processing is initiated:
Status: 202 Accepted
  • If an export file is currently being processed:
Status: 409 Conflict
  • If the export file already exists (This won't return Location header, to get Location header please use GET request)
Status: 303 See Other
  • If the request is otherwise invalid - return the appropriate error code

Delete an export file

  • Deletes a specific export file
DELETE /[:ownerType/]:owner/:repoType/:repo/:repoVersion/export/
  • Notes
    • If HEAD version is requested, the API will return 405 Not Allowed.
    • The passed authorization token must have administrative access to the repository in order to delete the export file


  • Create the export file for v2.2 of the CIEL source
DELETE /orgs/CIEL/sources/CIEL/v2.2/export/


  • If the file exists, it is deleted with 200
Status: 200 Success
  • If the file does NOT exist
Status: 204 No Content
  • If the URL or request is otherwise invalid - return the appropriate error code

Full Example

    "type": "Source",
    "uuid": "8d492ee0-c2cc-11de-8d13-0010c6dffd0f",
    "id": "ICD-10-2010",
    "external_id": "",
    "short_code": "ICD-10-2010",
    "name": "ICD-10-WHO 2010",
    "full_name": "International Classification of Diseases v10 2010",
    "source_type": "Dictionary",
    "public_access": "View",
    "default_locale": "en",
    "supported_locales": "en,fr",
    "website": "",
    "description": "The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) is the standard diagnostic tool for epidemiology, health management and clinical purposes. This includes the analysis of the general health situation of population groups.",
    "extras": { "my_extra_field": "my_extra_value" },
    "owner": "WHO",
    "owner_type": "organization",
    "owner_url": "/orgs/WHO/",
    "url": "/orgs/WHO/sources/ICD-10/",
    "versions_url": "/orgs/WHO/sources/ICD-10/versions/",
    "concepts_url": "/orgs/WHO/sources/ICD-10/concepts/",
    "mappings_url": "/orgs/WHO/sources/ICD-10/mappings/",
    "versions": 3,
    "active_concepts": 15000,
    "active_mappings": 3243,
    "created_on": "2008-01-14T04:33:35Z",
    "created_by": "johndoe",
    "updated_on": "2008-02-18T09:10:16Z",
    "updated_by": "johndoe",
    "concepts": [
            "type": "Concept",
            "uuid": "8d492ee0-c2cc-11de-8d13-0010c6dffd0f",
            "id": "A15.1",
            "external_id": "19jf93jf9j39fii399du9393",
            "concept_class": "Diagnosis",
            "datatype": "None",
            "retired": false,
            "display_name": "Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by culture only",
            "display_locale": "en",
            "names": [
                    "type": "ConceptName",
                    "uuid": "akdiejf93jf939f9",
                    "external_id": "1fddfenkcineh9",
                    "name": "Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by culture only",
                    "locale": "en",
                    "locale_preferred": "true",
                    "name_type": "None"
                    "type": "ConceptName",
                    "uuid": "90jmcna4-lkdhf78",
                    "external_id": "12345677",
                    "name": "Tuberculose pulmonaire, confirmée par culture seulement",
                    "locale": "fr",
                    "locale_preferred": "true",
                    "name_type": "None"
            "descriptions": [
                    "type": "ConceptDescription",
                    "uuid": "aY873Hbmkdi09jeh",
                    "external_id": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",
                    "description": "Tuberculous bronchiectasis, fibrosis of lung, pneumonia, pneumothorax, confirmed by sputum microscopy with culture only",
                    "locale": "en",
                    "locale_preferred": "true",
                    "description_type": "None"
            "extras": { "parent": "A15" },
            "source": "ICD-10-2010",
            "owner": "WHO",
            "owner_type": "Organization",
            "version": "abc345jf9fj",
            "url": "/orgs/WHO/sources/ICD-10-2010/concepts/A15.1/",
            "version_url": "/orgs/WHO/sources/ICD-10-2010/concepts/A15.1/abc345jf9fj/",
            "source_url": "/orgs/WHO/sources/ICD-10-2010/",
            "owner_url": "/orgs/WHO/",
            "mappings_url": "/orgs/WHO/sources/ICD-10-2010/concepts/A15.1/mappings/",
            "extras_url": "/orgs/WHO/sources/ICD-10-2010/concepts/A15.1/extras/",
            "versions": 9,
            "created_on": "2008-01-14T04:33:35Z",
            "created_by": "johndoe",
            "updated_on": "2008-02-18T09:10:16Z",
            "updated_by": "johndoe"
    "mappings": [
            "type": "Mapping",
            "uuid": "8jf8j-39fnnkdked",
            "external_id": "a9d93ffjjen9dnfekd9",
            "retired": "false",
            "map_type": "Same As",
            "from_source_owner": "WHO",
            "from_source_owner_type": "Organization",
            "from_source_name": "ICD-10-2010",
            "from_concept_code": "A15.1",
            "from_concept_code": "Tuberculosis of lung, confirmed by culture only",
            "from_source_url": "/orgs/WHO/sources/ICD-10-2010/",
            "from_concept_url": "/orgs/WHO/sources/ICD-10-2010/concepts/A15.1/",
            "to_source_owner": "IHTSDO",
            "to_source_owner_type": "Organization",
            "to_source_name": "SNOMED",
            "to_concept_code": "154283005",
            "to_concept_name": "Pulmonary Tuberculosis",
            "to_source_url": "/orgs/IHTSDO/sources/SNOMED/",
            "source": "ICD-10-2010",
            "owner": "WHO",
            "owner_type": "Organization",
            "url": "/orgs/WHO/sources/ICD-10-2010/mappings/8jf8j-39fnnkdked/",
            "created_on": "2008-01-14T04:33:35Z",
            "created_by": "johndoe",
            "updated_on": "2008-02-18T09:10:16Z",
            "updated_by": "johndoe"
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