The Functional Conformance Tool is an Open Source test tool provided by Open Banking. The goal of the suite is to provide an easy and comprehensive tool that enables implementers to test interfaces and data endpoints against the Functional API standard.
The supporting documentation assumes a technical understanding of the Open Banking ecosystem. An introduction to the concepts is available via the Open Banking Website.
To provide feedback, please see the
The release is called v1.9.2, an update to add minor bugfixes, security updates and v4.0.0 KIs functional swagger updates.
docker run --rm -it -p "openbanking/conformance-suite:v1.9.2"
DockerHub |
Setup Guide
Release | Standard version |
v1.9.2 | v4.0.0 |
v1.7.6 | v3.1.11 |
v1.7.0 | v3.1.10 |
v1.6.12 | v3.1.9 |
Pull and run the latest (stable) tagged Docker image:
> docker run --rm -it -p "openbanking/conformance-suite:v1.9.2"
> docker run --rm -it -p 8443:8443 "openbanking/conformance-suite:v1.9.1"
The tool is compatible with the Open Banking UK R/W specification versions: 3.1.0, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.1.5, 3.1.6, 3.1.7, 3.1.8, 3.1.9, 3.1.10, 3.1.11, 4.0.0.
In order to run a container you'll need docker installed.
There is the ability to enhance logging by setting any of the following env variables
- LOG_HTTP_TRACE=true: Enables detailed HTTP trace logging. When set to true, the application will log all HTTP requests and responses, including headers and body content. This can be useful for debugging and monitoring HTTP interactions, but may expose sensitive information in the logs. Use with caution in production environments.
- LOG_LEVEL=debug: sets the logging level to debug, providing detailed information about the application's operation. This is useful for diagnosing issues and understanding the application's behavior in detail.
- LOG_TRACER=true: enables detailed tracing of the application's execution. This setting provides in-depth information about the application's internal processes, which can be useful for debugging complex issues. Use with caution as it may generate a large volume of log data.
- EXPORT_LOG_FILE=true: sets the log output to a file and attaches the log file to the run export zip archive
For support on using the suite use the Open Banking Help Centre.
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