Bindings for the crabpy library and the pyramid framework
More information about this library can be found in docs
. The docs can be
built using Sphinx <>
Please make sure you have installed Sphinx in the same environment where crabpy_pyramid is present.
pip install sphinx sphinxcontrib-httpdomain
pip install -e .
cd docs
make html
pip install hatch
hatch build
hatch build -t wheel
hatch build -t sdist
full docs:
To start, first install pip-tools:
pip install pip-tools
You can also use uv
and for the remainder of the readme replace pip
, pip-compile
by uv pip
, uv pip compile
and uv pip sync
is a very fast replacement for pip-toools. It's optional, but can save a lot of time.
pip install uv
Note, pip-sync
also uninstalls everything from the virtualenv which does not belong
there according to the requirements file. This includes the project itself. You will
have to install crabpy_pyramid
again after pip-sync
Since the requirements file of pip-sync is still a normal requirements file you can also
use pip install -r
to install all libraries defined in it. This will not cleanup your
virtualenv and uninstall other libraries.
The compiled requirements files are made in a 3.11 environment.
pip-sync requirements-dev.txt
pip install -e .
contains all libraries uncluding those for testing and development.
contains only the necessary libraries for running the library.
echo -e "\nStarting"
PIP_COMPILE_ARGS="-q --strip-extras --no-header --resolver=backtracking --no-emit-options pyproject.toml"
pip-compile $PIP_COMPILE_ARGS -o requirements.txt;
echo "requirements.txt done"
pip-compile $PIP_COMPILE_ARGS --extra dev -o requirements-dev.txt;
echo "requirements-dev.txt done"
echo "Finished"