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Admin Tools

(Click here for more screenshots)

This is an admin menu with powerful tools for the purpose of testing and/or administrating a DayZ Epoch Mod server. Most tools will also be compatible with original DayZMod servers and other derivatives.

Table of Contents:


For help with Administration:

  • Multiple Admin levels
  • Spectate players
  • "Display code" for locked vaults/doors
  • "Create key" for vehicles with lost keys
  • Force lock and unlock vehicles without keys
  • Base Destruction - Destroy all buildables/vehicles within a customizable radius
  • Spawnable crates with weapons, items, and supplies
  • Spawn vehicles via the menu or a custom-made graphical vehicle menu (screenshot) (Thanks @Sandbird!)

Other features:

  • Godmode
  • Teleport self (or others to you)
  • Flying
  • Invisibility
  • Infinite Ammo / No recoil
  • Change skins
  • Delete, repair/refuel, or only refuel vehicle on crosshairs
  • Heal self and others within 25 meters
  • ESP - display players, zombies, safes, tents, vehicles, and AI on the map
  • ...and more!


IMPORTANT: I suggest you use Arma 2: OA BETA version 103718 on your server. Failure to use this version can result in the breaking of this mod as well as many others.

  1. Click Download Zip on the right sidebar of this Github page.

    Recommended PBO tool for all "pack", "repack", or "unpack" steps: PBO Manager

  2. Log into your server via FTP or your host's File Manager. Locate, download, and unpack (using PBO Manager or a similar PBO editor) your MPMissions/Your_Mission.pbo, and open the resulting folder.

    Note: "Your_Mission.pbo" is a placeholder name. Your mission might be called "DayZ_Epoch_11.Chernarus", "DayZ_Epoch_13.Tavi", or "dayz_mission" depending on hosting and chosen map.

  3. Extract the admintools folder from the Epoch Admin Tools project zip into the root of your mission folder.

  4. Open the init.sqf in the root of your mission folder and paste the following at the bottom:

    // Epoch Admin Tools
    [] execVM "admintools\Activate.sqf";
  5. If you use the normal battleye antiahck or similar do part (A) if you use infistar or have no antihack do part (B)


    Find the antihack line in your init.sqf, it may or may not be the same as this

    [] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf";

    if you have the line above replace it with this:

    // Epoch Admin Tools
    [] execVM "admintools\AdminList.sqf";
    if ( !((getPlayerUID player) in AdminList) && !((getPlayerUID player) in ModList) && !((getPlayerUID player) in tempList)) then 
    	[] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\system\antihack.sqf";

    If you do not have the mentioned line then simply replace the antihack.sqf line in the above code with the one you have.


    Find this code in your init.sqf:

    //[false,12] execVM "\z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_lights_init.sqf";

    And place the following code above it:

    // Epoch Admin Tools
    [] execVM "admintools\AdminList.sqf";
  6. Save the init.sqf

  7. Open your description.ext

  8. Paste the following at the very bottom:

    // Epoch Admin Tools
    #include "admintools\dialog.hpp"
  9. Open admintools\AdminList.sqf

  10. Replace the "111111111" with your Player ID in order to have full access to the menu.

  11. The mission pbo is done. Repack it and upload it to your server (FTP or host's File Manager).

  12. Download the latest Epoch Server build from the Epoch Wiki and open the archive.

  13. Find the Battleye folder inside the archive and extract the .txt files within to your server's Battleye folder (via FTP or host's File Manager), overwriting the existing .txt files.

    Note: The location of your server's Battleye folder depends on the server and hosting. For some users, this may be in CONFIGFILES/Battleye.

  14. Return to the Epoch-Admin-Tools zip file (downloaded in step #1) and open the Battleye folder. Again, extract the .txt files from the Epoch-Admin-Tools/Battleye folder into the same Battleye folder in the previous step and overwrite everything when prompted.

  15. Locate your @DayZ_Epoch_Server/addons/dayz_server.pbo on your server host, download and unpack it, and open the resulting dayz_server folder.

  16. Open init/server_functions.sqf and replace this:

        if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor) && (isPlayer _x)  && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle)) then {

    ...with this:

    	// Epoch Admin Tools
        if(vehicle _x != _x && !(vehicle _x in PVDZE_serverObjectMonitor) && (isPlayer _x)  && !((typeOf vehicle _x) in DZE_safeVehicle) && (vehicle _x getVariable ["MalSar",0] !=1)) then {

    Note: This step may not work well if you use other mods that modify this operator. The important code to fit into this operator is (vehicle _x getVariable ["MalSar",0] !=1) which can be added easily with a rudimentary knowledge of programming.

  17. Now open your compile/server_updateObject.sqf and place this:

    // Epoch Admin Tools
    if (_object getVariable "MalSar" == 1) exitWith {};

    ...immediately above this:

    if (!_parachuteWest and !(locked _object)) then {
  18. Repack the server pbo and upload it to your server.

View the Epoch Admin Tools Wiki for additional configuration options and help.


Follow these steps exactly or there may be errors and extra files left behind.

  1. Download the version you want to update to.

    The newest update download is here: Download Zip

  2. Go to the install directory for the admin tools:

    Epoch -> MPMissions -> YourMissionName -> admintools

  3. Copy your AdminList.sqf file to your desktop

  4. Go back one directory to Epoch -> MPMissions -> YourMissionName and delete the admintools folder

  5. Copy the new admintools folder you downloaded in the zip to this directory

    If you are asked to replace any file then you did not delete everything correctly.

  6. Now go into the admintools folder and replace the AdminList.sqf in this folder with the one you saved to your desktop

    You will be asked to overwrite the file, select yes.

You have now successfully and correctly updated your tools.


  • I'm getting kicked with "Script Restriction #X"!
  • Make sure you've installed the Battleye filters perfectly in the instructions. If it still fails, you can fix the error yourself with a little knowledge about how the filters work.
  • The menu doesn't appear.
  • The most likely cause of this error is either a syntax error in your init.sqf (e.g. a missing semi-colon), a syntax error in your admintools\AdminList.sqf (e.g. a comma after the last string in the array of Admins/Mods - see above optional instruction) or forgetting to add your Player ID (or typing it wrong) into the admintools\AdminList.sqf. Specific errors can be found by reading your server's RPT file. Also see Debugging Techniques.
  • I get stuck at the loading screen with the arma2oaserver.rpt error that I am missing files.
  • This is most often caused by a broken PBO packaging tool. Reinstall or use a different tool.
  • How do I add something to my personal tools?
  • This is found in the Epoch Admin Tools Wiki

Error Reporting

BEFORE posting an issue on Github or on the main discussion forum:

  • Review the installation instructions and be sure you've done every step EXACTLY as stated. They are not forgiving. If one step is done incorrectly, it won't work.
  • If you think you might have installed it incorrectly, follow the YouTube Video Install Tutorial
  • Check your server's RPT log for errors. This will identify 99% of problems with the menu. Be ready to copy/paste the RPT log into Pastebin or Gist in an issue or in the discussion forum for help with troubleshooting.
  • If all else fails, install these tools onto a fresh, unedited mission.pbo and server.pbo to get it working, then start installing additional addons/mods one at a time until the admin tools break in order to identify the conflict.

If your problem persists after doing the above:


This project is based heavily on Malory's Custom Epoch Admin Tools, which itself is based on BluePhoenix Admin Tools.

  • Project Leader: NoxSicarius (Nox)
  • A huge thanks goes out to Gregarious who began this project and did a huge amount of work on the tool. We were sad to see him go, but his generous contributions will be remembered.


An admin menu for DayZ Epoch.







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