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Thank you for downloading the Omniscient Debugger (the ODB), the Java debugger that lets you go "backwards in time" so you can examine your program's execution. Also please visit the project website

System Requirements

ODB 1.4 works on code complied for JDK 1.3 and 1.4. ODB 1.5 works on code compiled for JDK 1.5. I have tested it on 1.6 and it works. Code compiled for Java 7 and up use invokedetatch, which seems to cause problems at the moment. See Issue: The Jar's compiled for 1.6 and older do work on the 1.8 JVM.





compile group: 'com.neuronrobotics', name: 'LewisOmniscientDebugger', version: '1.6'


If you normally run your program on UNIX like this:

% java com.lambda.tests.TestMyArrayList

You can run the debugger like this:

% java -cp LewisOmniscientDebugger-1.5.jar:$CLASSPATH com.lambda.Debugger.Debugger com.lambda.tests.TestMyArrayList

There are alias files and .BAT files that allow you to type this:

% debug bomberman.Bomberman

I often run it from Elipse by making com.lambda.Debugger.Debugger the program to run and making bomberman.Bomberman the argument to it.


Please try the demo programs that ship with the ODB. Just run the ODB with no command line arguments.

Please also watch the ODB video "Debugging Backwards in Time"

The research paper can be found here

I am looking for a good short Flash tutorial, with voice annotation, of how to use the ODB. I would like to put it on my website. If you create one, please email me.


See manual here Enjoy!


Here is how to build and run the debug the debugger step

git clone

gradle jar

java -DDEBUG_DEBUGIFY -Xms400100100 -Xmx400100100 -DMEMORY=400100100  -cp build/libs/LewisOmniscientDebugger.jar:$CLASSPATH  com.lambda.Debugger.Debugify build/classes/main/com/lambda/Debugger/Demo.class

Contact Info / Website

There are no ODB mailing lists. For support, patches / other contributions, bugs, and feature requests, please email me -- I enjoy hearing your feedback.

--Bil Lewis [email protected] 18 Feb 2007