BiomeDiveristy is a Minecraft Forge power (RF) generation mod, primarily designed around world exploration.
- 1.15.2 version can be found on CurseForge - BiomeDiversity
Found a bug with the BiomeDiversity? Let me know in as much detail as possible on the Issue Tracker.
Many item and block textures used are drawn from the Futureazoo GitHub Texture Repository, and are used under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license provided. Credit is given to the original authors. Additionally, my personal thanks is extended to futureazoo, sunconure11, and xbony2 for making these textures available (three years ago now) for others to adopt and adapt.
Block Models were created with Blockbench; twitter: @blockbench
"Collector Running Loop" is adapted from Alient Ship Idle.wav. Used under CC BY 3.0 license. "Fluid Hardening" is adapted from Water dripping on hot plate making steam. Used under CC BY 3.0 license.