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Modernises Chosen, making heavy use of the cats syntax
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OlivierBlanvillain committed Mar 5, 2017
1 parent eee314e commit afb8719
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Showing 4 changed files with 107 additions and 115 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion build.sbt
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Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ lazy val `monadic-rx-cats` = crossProject

lazy val `tests` = project
.dependsOn(`monadic-html`, `monadic-rx-catsJS`)
.settings(noPublishSettings: _*)
libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" %%% "scalatest" % scalatest % "test",
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208 changes: 99 additions & 109 deletions examples/src/main/scala/mhtml/examples/Chosen.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,23 +1,20 @@
package mhtml.examples
package examples

import scala.scalajs.js
import scala.xml.Node

import cats.implicits._
import mhtml.cats._
import mhtml._
import org.scalajs.dom
import org.scalajs.dom.Event
import org.scalajs.dom.KeyboardEvent
import org.scalajs.dom.ext.KeyCode
import org.scalajs.dom.raw.HTMLInputElement

/** Typeclass for [[Chosen]] select lists */
trait Searcheable[T] {
def show(t: T): String
def isCandidate(query: String)(t: T): Boolean =

object Searcheable {
def apply[T](implicit ev: Searcheable[T]): Searcheable[T] = ev
def instance[T](f: T => String): Searcheable[T] = new Searcheable[T] {
override def show(t: T): String = f(t)
Expand All @@ -29,124 +26,117 @@ object Searcheable {
object Chosen {
def underline(toUnderline: String, query: String): Node = {
val index = toUnderline.toLowerCase.indexOf(query)
if (index == -1) <span>{toUnderline}</span>
if (index == -1) <span>{ toUnderline }</span>
else {
val before = toUnderline.substring(0, index)
val after = toUnderline.substring(index + query.length)
val before = toUnderline.substring(0, index)
val after = toUnderline.substring(index + query.length)
val matched = toUnderline.substring(index, index + query.length)
<span>{ before }<u>{ matched }</u>{ after }</span>

def singleSelect[T](getCandidates: String => Rx[Seq[T]],
placeholder: String = "",
maxCandidates: Int = 10)(
implicit ev: Searcheable[T]): (Node, Rx[Option[T]]) = {
val id = "chosen-" + Math.random().toInt // to reference input dom
val rxFocused = Var(false)
val rxIndex = Var(0)
val rxQuery = Var("")
val rxSelected = Var(Option.empty[T])
def setQuery(value: String): Unit = {
rxQuery := value
rxIndex := 0
rxFocused := true
def setCandidate(candidate: T): Unit = {
rxSelected := Some(candidate)
rxFocused := false
dom.document.getElementById(id) match {
case input: HTMLInputElement => input.value =
case _ =>
val rxCandidatesWithApp: Rx[(Node, Seq[T])] = for {
query <- rxQuery
index <- rxIndex
allCandidates <- getCandidates(query)
queryLower = query.toLowerCase
} yield {
val candidates =
val toDrop = Math.max(0, index - 3)
val listItems =
candidates.zipWithIndex.slice(toDrop, toDrop + maxCandidates).map {
case (candidate, i) =>
val cssClass =
if (i == index) "chosen-highlight"
else ""
<li class={cssClass}>
<a onclick={() => setCandidate(candidate)}>
{underline(, queryLower)}
val itemsBefore: Node =
if (toDrop == 0) <span></span>
else <li>{toDrop.toString} more items...</li>
val itemsAfter: Node = {
val remaining =
Math.max(0, candidates.length - (toDrop + maxCandidates))
if (remaining == 0) <span></span>
else <li>{remaining.toString} more items...</li>
def singleSelect[T: Searcheable](candidates: Rx[List[T]], placeholder: String): (Node, Rx[Option[T]]) = {
// These are the 5 streams of events involved in into this component.
// By events, we mean that these are actually binded exactly once to
// external sources (via :=). Given that scalac prohibits forward
// references, and everything is composed functionally, this code is
// guaranteed to have no infinite loops or race conditions.

val focusEvents: Var[Unit] = Var(())
val queryEvents: Var[String] = Var("")
val arrowPressedEvents: Var[Int] = Var(-1) // -1 → up; +1 → down
val enterPressedEvents: Var[Unit] = Var(())
val clickSelectionEvents: Var[Option[T]] = Var(None)

val maxCandidates: Int = 10
val rxFilteredCandidates =
(queryEvents |@| candidates).map { case (query, allCandidates) =>
val style = { focused =>
val display = if (focused) "" else "display: none"

val rxIndex: Rx[Int] = ( |+| => None) |@|
).map { case (event, filteredCandidates) =>
(event, filteredCandidates.size - 1)
}.foldp(0) {
case (last, (Some(delta), limit)) =>
0 max (last + delta) min limit
case _ => 0 // This reset corresponds to an acquisition of focus.
val div =
<div class="chosen-options">
<ul style={style}>

val rxFocused: Rx[Boolean] = // LOL scalafmt => true ) |+| => true ) |+| => true ) |+| => false) |+| => false)

val rxHighlightedCandidate: Rx[Option[T]] =
(rxFilteredCandidates |@| rxIndex).map { case (cands, index) =>
cands.zipWithIndex.find(_._2 == index).map(_._1)

val rxSelected: Rx[Option[T]] =
rxHighlightedCandidate.sampleOn(enterPressedEvents) |+| clickSelectionEvents

val rxChosenOptions: Rx[Node] =
(rxIndex |@| rxFocused |@| queryEvents |@| rxFilteredCandidates).map {
case(index, focus, query, fcand) =>
def bounds(i: Int): Int = if (fcand.size > maxCandidates) i max 0 else 0
val toDrop = bounds(index - 3)
val remain = bounds(fcand.size - (toDrop + maxCandidates))
val style = if (focus) None else Some("display: none")
val itemsBefore = if (toDrop == 0) None else Some(<li>{ toDrop } more items...</li>)
val itemsAfter = if (remain == 0) None else Some(<li>{ remain } more items...</li>)
val listItems =
fcand.zipWithIndex.slice(toDrop, toDrop + maxCandidates).map { case (candidate, i) =>
<li class={ if (i == index) "chosen-highlight" else "" }>
<a onclick={ () => clickSelectionEvents := Some(candidate) }>
{ underline(Searcheable[T].show(candidate), query.toLowerCase) }
<div class="chosen-options">
<ul style={ style }>
{ itemsBefore }
{ listItems }
{ itemsAfter }
div -> candidates
val rxCandidates: Rx[Seq[T]] =
val highlightedCandidate: Rx[T] = {
val filtered = Var[T](rxCandidates.value.head)

(for { index <- rxIndex; candidates <- rxCandidates } yield {
candidates.zipWithIndex.find(_._2 == index).map(_._1)
var cancelableSelectionHandler = Cancelable.empty
def selectionHandler(node: HTMLInputElement): Unit =
cancelableSelectionHandler =
rxSelected.impure.foreach(c => node.value =[T].show).getOrElse(""))

// event handlers
val onkeyup = { e: KeyboardEvent =>
def onkeydown(e: KeyboardEvent): Unit =
e.keyCode match {
case KeyCode.Up =>
rxIndex.update(x => Math.max(x - 1, 0))
rxFocused := true
case KeyCode.Down =>
rxCandidates.foreach { candidates =>
rxIndex.update(x => Math.min(x + 1, candidates.length - 1))
rxFocused := true
case KeyCode.Enter =>
case _ =>
case KeyCode.Up => arrowPressedEvents := -1
case KeyCode.Down => arrowPressedEvents := +1
case KeyCode.Enter => enterPressedEvents := (())
case _ => ()
val onblur = { _: Event =>
js.timers.setTimeout(300)(rxFocused := false)

// @olfa: This implementation does not really makes sense as it's a tick
// over the absolute clock. Proper implementation should start/cancel the
// timeout on focus gained/lost.
// def onblur(): Unit = { scala.scalajs.js.timers.setTimeout(1000)(rxFocused := false); () }

val app =
<div class="chosen-wrapper">
<input type="text"
onfocus={() => rxFocused := true}
oninput={Utils.inputEvent(input => setQuery(input.value))}/>
<input type="text" class="chosen-searchbar"
mhtml-onmount = { selectionHandler _ }
mhtml-onunmount = { cancelableSelectionHandler.cancel _ }
placeholder = { placeholder }
onfocus = { () => focusEvents := (()) }
onkeydown = { onkeydown _ }
oninput = { Utils.inputEvent(e => queryEvents := e.value) }/>
{ rxChosenOptions }

(app, rxSelected)
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions examples/src/main/scala/mhtml/examples/GithubAvatar.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -81,8 +81,7 @@ object GithubAvatar extends Example {
case None => <div>Loading repos...</div>
case Some(Success(repos)) =>
val (searchList, active) =
Chosen.singleSelect[GhRepo](_ => Var(repos),
placeholder = "Search for repo...")
Chosen.singleSelect[GhRepo](Var(repos), placeholder = "Search for repo...")
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9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions examples/src/main/scala/mhtml/examples/SelectList.scala
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,12 +42,15 @@ object SelectList extends Example {
case Some(Success(response)) =>
options := response.responseText.lines.collect {
case country(code, name) => Country(name, code)
case Some(Failure(e)) =>
// e.printStackTrace()
// For offline hacking:
options := (0 to 20).map(i => Country(util.Random.nextString(5), i.toString)).toList
case _ =>
val (app, selected) = Chosen.singleSelect(_ => options)

val (app, selected) = Chosen.singleSelect(options, placeholder = "")
val message: Rx[Node] = {
case Some(x) => <div>
<p>You selected: '{}'</p>
Expand Down

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