This project is used to have fast build of python3 project using docker.
python3 click jinja2
$ pip install click jinja2
You need to install python3.6 first. It's better to install python3.6 with pyenv
$ pyenv install 3.6.1
$ pyenv global 3.6.1
You can build your basic docker file by:
There are some basic usage below.
Copy and code_templates into your project
$ mkdir your-project
$ cp some-folder/py36-project-fast-builder/ your-project
$ cp -r some-folder/py36-project-fast-builder/code_templates your-project
$ cd you-project
$ python -m venv venv
Activite virtualenv
$ . venv/bin/activite
This will build development environment docker file including docker/dev.env docker/docker-compose.yml docker/Dockerfile.
.python-version and .gitingore will be built in the base project folder.
$ python init --postgres --redis
Option --postgres will add postgresql for docker-compose.yml and dev.env.
Option --redis will add redis for docker-compose.yml and dev.env.
will add --nginx soon.
There are some advanced usage below.
There will be a file named package.json in project root folder to record all the tasks you have. By typing this command:
$ python readme >
The readme templates is in code_templates/utils/ You can easily custom it.
In the beginning, there will be no tasks. So,you should add some tasks.
$ python add-task PYTHON_FILE_PATH
This PYTHON_FILE_PATH will be a relative path from the project root folder. Then this task will have a SERVICE_NAME generated from the path of the .py file.
You can also remove a task from the existing tasks.
$ python rm-task PYTHON_FILE_PATH
Both add-task and rm-task will cause an update of
After we have all tasks,it is easier to generate the docker-compose.yml file
$ python build-docker-compose --postgres --redis --dev > docker/docker-compose.yml
$ python tasks
You can make your task running naturally from your project's root folder without append anything to sys.path by using the below command.
$ python start --log-dir=/var/log/project_name RELATIVE_PY_FILENAME
RELATIVE_PY_FILENAME is relative path from the project root folder to the python file you'd like to run.
The start command will find the python file and import it.Trying to run the start_script() from you python file.
And the command will try start_service(), startup(), start() as the entry point of the task python file.
--log-dir is the log-file root path of this task.
Use below command you can generate docker-compse for each task.
$ python docker-compose-service --dev FILENAME
This command will generate the service yaml code of this python file
You can custom the template in code_templates/docker-compose/service.j2.
If you start your task by
$ python start --log-dir=/var/log
and /var/log/project_name/task3-stderr.log
will be built to record all records maded from python logging module.
In stdout log file, log level defined in your environment variable will be used. And the stdout log file will not record log level above logging.WARNING.
In stderr log file, all log records with level higher than warning will be recorded. And all uncaught Exception will be logged into this file as well.
$ python --help
$ python command --help
Add a task to package.json, will be used to generate docker-compose.yml and readme.
Usage: add-task FILENAME
FILENAME is a .py file where your task entry point in, just like test/
Echo your docker-compose.yml built from the current package.json. So you can replace your current docker-compose.yml.
Echo a single docker-compose.yml service is built from a .py file
Initialize your project.
Echo a README is built from current package.json
Remove a task from package.json
Start a task from a .py file
Show all tasks in package.json
Add a database for this project
Usage: add-database DATABASE_TYPE
Remove database for this project
Show all database in package.json