Welcome to the Rozetka Admin Panel project!
You can access the project design here.
- Send a token request, receive a token, and store it (frontend + backend), or handle the entire login process on the frontend (check in the component + store the token in localStorage).
- Eye icon to show and hide the password (clicking reveals the password, and the icon changes to a crossed-out eye).
- Retrieve a list of products and display it in a table.
- "Preview" button - redirects to the preview page.
- Open a modal window similar to "Edit Product" (but with all fields empty). After adding a product, the table should update.
- The modal window should open in the center of the page, and the entire page should have reduced opacity (you can add a shadow to the modal window).
- Icons for "Edit" and "Delete" open modal windows for editing and deleting, respectively, for the corresponding row.
- Display product blocks (cards) from the table (Products table page).
- Show information from a new product request.
- Clicking on a card redirects to a page with a specific product, where the same information plus a description will be displayed.
- Store all code in this repository.
- Submit each individual task or user story as a separate pull request (PR).
- Retrieve data from your express.js server or mock API.
- Font: Inter
In the project directory, you can run:
This command launches the app in development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the app.
The page will automatically reload when you make changes.
- Login: Admin
- Password: 123