- Download Meteor Client (https://meteorclient.com/download), for help see https://meteorclient.com/faq/installation
- Download Meteor ServerSeeker using the comically large button above and drop it in your mods folder!
Let's say we want to find cracked servers with at least 2 players online. Because of this I am setting "Cracked" to "Yes" and "Online Players" to "At least 2"
The mod searches servers automatically for your current Minecraft version.
After clicking on "Find", we can now just add all servers
And just that easy, the servers are now in your server list!
Let's say we want to find the player with the name "Ogmur". We just type "Ogmur" into the box, and click on "Find Player"
Now we can just add the servers we want, or even add all!
Simply select a server and click on "Get players"!
You can now see the player history. Clicking on "Login" will log you into the account in cracked mode.