The Open Data Transformation Framework is an industry collaboration to develop a framework for converting catastrophe model exposure data from one data format to another.
Documentation can be found here.
Status: 2nd phase of development. Following the development of a basic transformation (location information, primary modifiers), the group is now developing and testing a more complex mapping. Further information to follow when second phase mapping published for testing. Model References: AIR CEDE v8
Status: Discovery phase. Investigating the potential for data transformation and IP considerations between EDM (proprietary) and OED. Model references: EDM Schema is proprietary, cannot be shared openly.
Status: Discovery phase. Investigating the potential for data transformation Model References GED4ALL taxonomy Risk Data Library Exposure Schema
python 3.8+
To install the database library dependencies in debian based systems run:
sudo apt install libpq-dev ffmpeg libsm6 libxext6 unixodbc-dev -y
To install the latest development version run:
pip install -e git+
The code in this project is licensed under BSD 3-clause license.