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Staging dev is the most popular user-interface to interact with the Maker protocol. It enables users to generate Dai, the most used and decentralized stablecoin, using a variety of crypto assets as collateral.

Getting Started

Clone the repository

git clone

Navigate to the project folder and install all dependencies

NOTE: to install private packages from NPM you need to have an env variable called NPM_TOKEN containing your personal NPM access token. We recommend to set NPM_TOKEN in your .env file using our .env.template, this way you can just source .env before install.

source .env

To create a local development instance we must first spin up the database prior to starting the web server.

# Open one terminal and run:

Monitor the logs and wait for the migrations to complete. This should be evident by a log message Migrations DONE

  • NOTE: If you get a localnode Error when running ./scripts/, comment out the whole localnode section in ./scripts/docker/compose.yml file and run the command again.

In a second terminal we can then begin the web server instance over http or https (https is required for testing hardware wallets):

  • Note: For running the app locally you'll need to create a .env.local file. Make sure you have everything setup correctly according to the configuration explained here.
yarn start

# Optionally
HTTPS=true yarn start

The application will be viewable on http://localhost:3000 or https://localhost:3443 respectively

At this point, no products will be loaded in the products hub of the homepage. To see products, open a third terminal and run:

curl -X PATCH -H "Authorization: <your PRODUCT_HUB_KEY entered in .env.local file>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"protocols": ["aavev2", "aavev3", "maker", "ajna", "sparkv3"]}' http://localhost:3000/api/product-hub

Run staging site locally

You can run the current staging site, (found at alongside the database, by running:


It will pull an additional docker container with the current staging site and will make it available at


The application consists of two parts

  • next.js

  • custom express server

There is the next.config.js which contains the configuration for next.js. This configuration is created during build time thus The env variables that are used in this file will be evaluated during build time.

Some of the values that are used you can check in the .env file.

List of env vars needed in .env.local file to run the app locally

INFURA_PROJECT_ID="<API key from Infura>"
OPTIMISM_MAINNET_RPC_URL="<Optimism URL from Alchemy>"
ARBITRUM_MAINNET_RPC_URL="<Arbitrum URL from Alchemy>"
PRODUCT_HUB_KEY="<any value of your choice>"
  • Note: You'll need to create an account in Infura and another one in Alchemy (Free accounts are ok), and create apps in Alchemy for Arbitrum & Optimism.

List of the build-time env vars

  • COMMIT_SHA - The value is used together with SHOW_BUILD_INFO. Main usages is to display a commit in the footer. This targets build deployments to staging environments so that the team can see which version the UI reflects. The value could be a branch name or specific commit.

  • MIXPANEL_ENV - The value could be either production or anything else you'd like to use to denote that it's NOT production. The difference is where the events are sent. For "development" environments the events will be displayed in the dev console within the browser. If the env is set to production then all the events will be actually sent to Mixpanel.

  • MIXPANEL_KEY - The value will be used for production environments. This is the project key that is generated from Mixpanel.

  • USE_TERMS_OF_SERVICE - In order to use some functionalities the user should read and accept Terms of Service. For development purposes, this feature can be disabled. You can disable this feature if you'd like to remove that functionality at all. The values are either 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled).

  • USE_TRM_API - For development purposes, this feature can be disabled. You can disable this feature if you'd like to remove that functionality at all. The values are either 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled).

  • SHOW_BUILD_INFO - The value will determine whether an information about the build is displayed in the footer. Currently we display only the build time and commit from which it is built. This targets deployments to staging environments so that the tam can see which version the UI reflects. The value is either 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled)

  • INFURA_PROJECT_ID - This is used in cases where the user hasn't authorized the application to access their wallet ( hasn't connected their wallet - read-only mode) or when the application is accessed with a specific provider injected.

  • ETHERSCAN_API_KEY - The value is used to create the corresponding etherscan endpoint. For each transaction, there is a url that leads to that TX details in etherscan.

  • SENTRY_RELEASE - The release in Used by to generate and upload source maps for a given release at build time, and tie those source maps to errors sent to sentry at run time.

  • SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN - auth token used by to upload source maps.

As mentioned previously, there is also the custom express server part which uses the env variables at run time

List of the run-time env vars

  • CHALLENGE_JWT_SECRET - Could be any value. This is used on the server to sign JWT message.

  • USER_JWT_SECRET - Could be any value different from CHALLENGE_JWT_SECRET. This is used when the user signs the Terms of Service.

  • SENTRY_RELEASE - The release in Used by to generate and upload source maps for a given release at build time, and tie those source maps to errors sent to sentry at run time.

  • NEXT_PUBLIC_SENTRY_ENV - The environment that sentry events are tagged as. production | staging | pullrequest | development

Note: Make sure that you call the process that build the project with the build-time vars and make sure that you call the process that runs the application with the run-time vars.


In addition, we make use of hardhat in order to test the application in a controlled mainnet-like environment. More details can be found here

Docker Containers

Current we have two containers:

  • postgres-oasis-borrow - This container contains Postgre database

  • multiply-proxy-actions - This container contains all contracts related to multiply functionality deployed to a hardhat instance

Docker Containers Usage

Once you are in the project directory, please execute the following command:

docker-compose -f ./scripts/docker-compose.yml up

Alternative to that is to do the following steps:

cd ./scripts
docker-compose up

By executing one of the following commands you will run both containers at the same time. The process won't exit so you will be able to see the output in real time.

Docker Containers Configuration

If you open docker-compose.yml file under the ./scripts folder, you will see that there are some environmental variables. For the Postgres container, you won't have the need to change them that often. Also the names are pretty explanatory

The configuration params for multiply-proxy-actions container are as follows:

  • ALCHEMY_NODE - The node that is used to read/sync data from the blockchain.
  • ETHERSCAN_API - Etherscan API Key that is used to get information for a transaction
  • PRIV_KEY_MAINNET - The private key of the first wallet address from the signer that is used
  • TENDERLY_USERNAME - This is the username in tenderly. It is advised to create your own registration and use your own username. Register here.
  • TENDERLY_PROJECT - Once you have an account there is a default project - project. You can create other project names as well.
  • USE_DUMMY - By default this value is 0. If it is set to 1 then instead of the real 1inch Exchange implementation being used, you will use the DummyExchange implementation.
  • BLOCK_NUMBER - There is a hardcoded number currently used - 13008355. If you want to fork from a different one, please use this parameter.

Multiply feature

We have added multiply functionality, where generated DAI is immediately used to swap for more collateral. This utilizes the multiply proxy actions smart contract. The documentation for those contracts can be found here.


Contributions are welcome. Feel free to open issues or PR's to improve Oasis Borrow. We are always open to suggestions on how best to improve the application to give the optimal user experience.

Please ensure that the tests pass, typechecks and conforms to the linting rules. The most convenient way to do this is by calling:

yarn test:fix

Unit tests 👷

We are currently in the process of moving our tests from Mocha (with Chai, Enzyme, and Sinon) to Jest (with React Testing Library). We are also in the process of adding more tests to increase our coverage. We have some tests skipped for now, but we are working on fixing them. We needed to disable caching in the build action. Testing with collecting coverage was failing with caching enabled. Skipped tests (Marked with TODO: [Mocha -> Jest] Rewrite in Jest compatible format.):


Copyright (C) 2021 Oazo Apps Limited, Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.