roscore rosparam load /root/infrastructure_ws/src/infrastructure-packages/infrastructure_behaviors/infrastructure_flexbe_behaviors/cfg/gen3_moveit_params.yaml roslaunch infrastructure_flexbe_behaviors start_gen3_test_gpd.launch rosrun dataset_test
On pi: roslaunch infrastructure_raspi start_raspi_nodes.launch
- Install docker and enable GUI support by following instructions in Follow all instructions listed, except it is not necessary to create a base image of ubuntu 18.0.4.
- Notes:
- if you added the user to the docker group, it is not necessary to run the following commands with sudo
- If the docker container is already made on the machine, start the container and skip to step 3.
- Build an image with the infrastructure Dockerfile
sudo docker build --no-cache -t infrastructure-packages:grimmlins
- Create and start the docker container from the image
DOCKER_COMMON_ARGS="--gpus all --env=NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all --env=NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=all --env=DISPLAY --env=QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw"
sudo docker run -it -d --net=host --privileged $DOCKER_COMMON_ARGS --name infra_env infrastructure-packages:grimmlins
- If the above doesn't work, try:
sudo docker run -it -d --net=host --privileged $DOCKER_COMMON_ARGS --env=DISPLAY --env=NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all --env=NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=all --env=QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 --runtime=nvidia -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix --name infra_env_arm_v0 infrastructure-packages:grimmlins
- This will have started a detached container called "infra_env". You can check if it is running with:
If the docker container gets stopped for any reason, you can start it again with:
sudo docker ps
sudo docker start infra_env
- Attach the container to a desired terminal: (or use your favorite docker extension, like visual studio codes' to access the container)
sudo docker attach infra_env
- Change Branches in submodules to the desired branches.
To check which branch each submodule is in, use this command in the respective submodule:
The infrastructure-arms directory contains branches for the arm controller node as well as any packages for controlling the robotic arm. See the readme on how to use this repository. Currenty available branches for infrastructure-arms:
git branch
- main (can be used for testing)
- Kinova_j2s7s300 (custom packages for Kinova arm)
- Example (sets the branch to the testing main branch):
cd ~/infrastructure_ws/src/infrastructure-packages/infrastructure-arms git checkout main
- Switch infrastructure-raspi to main branch:
cd ~/infrastructure_ws/src/infrastructure-packages/infrastructure-raspi git checkout main
- Load the infrastructure_msgs submodule:
cd ~/infrastructure_ws/src/infrastructure-packages/infrastructure-raspi git submodule update --init
- After all changes have been made, rebuild and source workspace in container:
cd ~/infrastructure_ws catkin_make source devel/setup.bash
Place all path planning and moveit commands in the "start_arm_sequence" action server located in arm_control. (see
Connect USB from the arm into the host machine BEFORE launching the "infra_env" container. If container is already started, you must stop it and then restart it again after the USB is connected for the arm.
All supported arms have setup documentation in the infrastructure-arms repository within their respective branches.
To be able to use one of the apparatuses, you must set up ROS communication between the main machine (within docker container) and the raspberry PI for the desired apparatus.
SSH into the PI for the desired apparatus
- Make sure PI is connected to same network as the PC via ethernet or wifi
- testbed:
- door:
- drawer:
Make sure you are using the correct workspace and branches on PI (git checkout in infrastructure_raspi), then:
console cd ~/infrastructure_system catkin build source devel/setup.bash
On the master machine (Container):
On the listener machine (PI):
export ROS_HOSTNAME=<PI-HOSTNAME> ROS_MASTER_URI=http://<HOSTNAME>:11311 # same as master machine
Make sure on both devices to edit the hostname file located at /etc/hosts
(optional) Check that communication is working:
- Start a roscore on the container:
- In another terminal in the container, repeat step 3, then run:
rosrun rospy_tutorials
- On the PI:
rosrun rospy_tutorials
- You should see messages appear on both the PI and container
- Then try running on the PI and in the container. You should observe similar behavior
- If you do not see messages appear both on the PI and in the container for BOTH tests:
- Make sure that roscore is running on the container before trying to list rostopics on the PI
- Check that the PI and PC have the same ROS_MASTER_URI
- To check that the environment variable ROS_MASTER_URI is set properly in the current terminal:
- Kill the roscore once finished (Ctrl-C)
- Start a roscore on the container:
If not done already, make sure gui support is enabled for docker containers on the master machine:
xhost +local:docker &> /dev/null # run in a host terminal, not container!
Note: this needs to be done for every new session on the PC. If you don't want to do this evertime, then copy this command into the .bashrc file for your host machine located in the home directory.
For the door/drawer and basic run/testing, launch the example test file:
roslaunch infrastructure_flexbe_behaviors start_test.launch
Optional launch parameters (none are needed for testbed):
collect_data:=true (This activates a rosbag that records all topics with the suffix "_infsensor", stored in data collection package. Defaults to false)
name:=<string> (name given to rosbags, csv files, and videos)
video:=true (activates recording for a camera connected to the main PC. Defaults to false)
On the PI:
console roslaunch infrastructure_raspi start_raspi_nodes.launch
For launching the Grasp Reset w/ the Kinova Gen 3 and GPD:
roslaunch armada_flexbe_utilities gen3_pick_and_place.launch
For additionally including the interface:
roslaunch RemasteredInterface main_page.launch
After running the launch file, FlexBe will pop up:
For Grasp Reset with Gen 3 and GPD run: Load Behavior->Grasp_Reset_GPD_Behavior_Kinova_Gen_3 For Door/Drawer run: Load Behavior->Door_Drawer_Behavior
Updated "Session Info" with path to csv file with trial info.
object_index, angle, num_trials
... (repeat for each test)
resistance_value, num_trials
... (repeat for each test)
### You're ready to go!