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Overview: Migration

drkitty edited this page Feb 5, 2015 · 7 revisions


  • The Maintain database is set in OTHER_DATABASES['maintain']. The official Maintain database is named maintain and is located on the host Contact a Cyder developer for the credentials for read-only access to the database.
  • The Maintain sandbox database (set in OTHER_DATABASES['maintain_sb'] and conventionally named maintain_sb) holds a sanitized version of the Maintain database. This database should be on your development machine. The name is unfortunate. Please suggest a better name if you can think of one.

Migration maintain_migrate -q truncates the sandbox database, copies some data from the Maintain database to the sandbox database, and fixes some inconsistencies that interfere with maintain_migrate -t. It typically takes a few seconds. maintain_migrate -t migrates data from the sandbox database to the Cyder database. It typically takes several hours. tiny_migrate $file ... migrates data from the tinydns config files named on the command line.