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Merge pull request #199 from brandynlucca/test-branch
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Merging current refactored EchoPro code for software renaming
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leewujung authored Mar 6, 2024
2 parents 53a13d2 + e649958 commit f18321c
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Showing 28 changed files with 46,822 additions and 1,749 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions Data
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions EchoPro/computation/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
import numpy as np

def ts_length_regression( x, slope, intercept ):
return slope * np.log10(x) + intercept

def to_linear( x ):
return 10.0 ** ( x / 10.0 )

def to_dB( x ):
return 10 * np.log10(x)
92 changes: 92 additions & 0 deletions EchoPro/computation/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ..computation.spatial import correct_transect_intervals
from ..computation.operations import group_merge

def index_sex_weight_proportions( biology_dict: dict ):
Generate dataframe containing sex-stratified weight proportions
biology_dict: dict
Biology data attribute dictionary

# Age-stratified weight proportions
age_stratified_proportions = biology_dict[ 'weight' ][ 'proportions' ][ 'age_weight_proportions_df' ]

# Age-stratified & sex-indexed weight proportions
age_sex_stratified_proportions = biology_dict[ 'weight' ][ 'proportions' ][ 'sex_age_weight_proportions_df' ]

# Concatenate the two to add a 'total' category
return (
[ ( age_sex_stratified_proportions
.rename( columns = { 'weight_sex_stratum_proportion': 'weight_proportion' } ) ) ,
( age_stratified_proportions.assign( sex = 'total' )
.rename( columns = { 'weight_stratum_proportion': 'weight_proportion' } ) ) ]

def index_transect_age_sex_proportions( acoustics_dict: dict ,
biology_dict: dict ,
info_strata: pd.DataFrame ):
Prepares the age- and sex-stratified dataframe for biomass calculation
acoustics_dict: dict
Acoustic data attribute dictionary
biology_dict: dict
Biology data attribute dictionary
infra_strata: pd.DataFrame
Dataframe containing strata definitions

### Prepare initial dataframes used for calculation population statistics
# Construct georeferenced dataframe containing NASC data
nasc_interval_df = correct_transect_intervals( acoustics_dict[ 'nasc' ][ 'nasc_df' ] )

### Call additional dataframes needed to merge with the NASC data and subsequently calculate
### population-level metrics (and later statistics)
# Sex-stratum-indexed proportions and average weight
weight_sex_strata = biology_dict[ 'weight' ][ 'weight_strata_df' ]

# Stratum-averaged sigma_bs
sigma_bs_strata = acoustics_dict[ 'sigma_bs' ][ 'strata_mean' ]

# Adult NASC proportions for each stratum (number)
# !!! TODO: Currently only uses 'age_1_excluded' -- this should become an argument that toggles
## This is not a major issue since both 'NASC_*' columns can be pivoted to create a single
## NASC column so the column name does not have to be hard-coded. This could then correspond to
## the configuration settings in some way, or this may be where the argument comes into play where
## the dataframe can be simply filtered based on the input/selection.
# between excluding and including age-1 fish
nasc_number_proportions = (
biology_dict[ 'weight' ][ 'proportions' ][ 'age_proportions_df' ]

# Adult NASC proportions for each stratum (weight)
nasc_weight_proportions = (
biology_dict[ 'weight' ][ 'proportions' ][ 'age_weight_proportions_df' ]

### Consolidate dataframes that will be added into a list
dataframes_to_add = [ nasc_interval_df , sigma_bs_strata , weight_sex_strata , nasc_number_proportions ,
nasc_weight_proportions ]

## Merge the relevant dataframes
return (
# Merge stratum information ( join = 'outer' since missing values will be filled later on)
.merge( info_strata , on = [ 'stratum_num' , 'haul_num' ] , how = 'outer' )
# Drop unused hauls
.dropna( subset = 'transect_num' )
# Fill NaN w/ 0's for 'fraction_hake'
.assign( fraction_hake = lambda x: x[ 'fraction_hake' ].fillna( 0 ) )
# Group merge
.group_merge( dataframes_to_add = dataframes_to_add , inner_on = 'age' , outer_on = 'stratum_num' )
224 changes: 224 additions & 0 deletions EchoPro/computation/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from ..computation.spatial import lag_distance_griddify , local_search_index
from ..computation.variogram_models import variogram

def compute_kriging_weights( ratio , M2 , K ):

### Singular value decomposition (SVD)
# U: left singular vectors (directions of maximum variance)
# Sigma: singular values (amount of variance captured by each singular vector, U)
# VH: conjugate transpose of the right singular vectors
U , Sigma , VH = np.linalg.svd( K , full_matrices = True )

### Create Sigma mask informed by the ratio-threshold
# The ratio between all singular values and their respective
# maximum is used to apply a mask that informs which values
# are used to tabulate the kriging weights (aka lambda)
Sigma_mask = np.abs( Sigma / Sigma[ 0 ] ) > ratio

### Inverse masked semivariogram (K)
K_inv = np.matmul(
np.matmul( VH.T[:, Sigma_mask] , np.diag( 1.0 / Sigma[ Sigma_mask ] ) ) ,
U[ : , Sigma_mask ].T

### Calculate kriging weights (lambda)
return K_inv , M2 )

def compute_kriging_matrix( x_coordinates ,
y_coordinates ,
variogram_parameters ):

### Calculate local distance matrix of within-range samples
local_distance_matrix = lag_distance_griddify( x_coordinates , y_coordinates )

### Calculate the covariance/kriging matrix (without the constant term)
kriging_matrix_initial = variogram( distance_lags = local_distance_matrix ,
variogram_parameters = variogram_parameters )

### Expand the covariance/kriging matrix with a constant
# In Ordinary Kriging, this should be '1'
# Columns
kriging_matrix = np.concatenate( [ kriging_matrix_initial ,
np.ones( ( x_coordinates.size , 1 ) ) ] ,
axis = 1 )

# Rows
kriging_matrix = np.concatenate( [ kriging_matrix ,
np.ones( ( 1 , x_coordinates.size + 1 ) ) ] ,
axis = 0 )

### Diagonal fill (0.0)
# TODO: Should we put in statements for Objective mapping and Universal Kriging w/ Linear drift? # noqa
# Add column and row of ones for Ordinary Kriging
np.fill_diagonal( kriging_matrix , 0.0 )

return kriging_matrix

def range_index_threshold( local_point_grid ,
distance_matrix ,
R ,
k_min ):

### Calculate the within-sample grid indices
inside_indices = np.where( distance_matrix[ local_point_grid ] <= R )[ 0 ]

### Expand search radius if the number of local points are insufficient
if len( inside_indices ) < k_min:

### Sort the closest within-sample points
inside_indices = np.argsort( distance_matrix[ local_point_grid ] )[ : k_min ]

### Look beyond the sample to collect indices beyond the range threshold
outside_indices = np.where( distance_matrix[ local_point_grid[ inside_indices ] ] > R )[ 0 ]

### Calculate the appropraite weights for these values beyond the threshold
# TODO: should we change this to how Chu does it?
# tapered function to handle extrapolation
out_of_sample_weights = np.exp( - np.nanmean( distance_matrix[ local_point_grid[ inside_indices ] ] ) / R )

### If the sample size is sufficient
outside_indices = [ ]
out_of_sample_weights = 1.0

### Carriage return
return inside_indices , outside_indices , out_of_sample_weights

def compute_kriging_statistics( point_values ,
lagged_semivariogram ,
kriging_weights ,
inside_indices ,
outside_indices ,
out_of_sample_weights ):

### Remove any extrapolation
if len( outside_indices ) > 0:
point_values[ outside_indices ] = 0.0

### Calculate locally weighted kriging mean
local_mean = np.nansum( kriging_weights[: len( inside_indices ) ] * point_values ) * out_of_sample_weights

### Calculate locally weighted kriging prediction variance
local_prediction_variance = np.nansum( kriging_weights * lagged_semivariogram )

### Calculate locally weighted point sample variance
if abs( local_mean ) < np.finfo( float ).eps:
local_sample_variance = np.nan
local_arithmetic_variance = np.nanvar( point_values , ddof = 1 ) # Non-spatial, arithmetic sample variance
local_sample_variance = np.sqrt( local_prediction_variance * local_arithmetic_variance ) / abs( local_mean )

### Carriage return
return local_mean , local_prediction_variance , local_sample_variance

def ordinary_kriging( dataframe ,
transformed_mesh ,
variogram_parameters ,
kriging_parameters ,
variable = 'B_a_adult' ):

### Calculate the kriging distance matrix and corresponding indices
distance_matrix , local_point_grid = local_search_index( transformed_mesh ,
dataframe ,
kriging_parameters[ 'kmax' ] )

### Initialize kriging grid, weights, and results prior to loop
kriging_prediction_variance = np.empty( local_point_grid.shape[ 0 ] ) # Prediction variance
kriging_sample_variance = np.empty( local_point_grid.shape[ 0 ] ) # Sample variance
kriging_mean = np.empty( local_point_grid.shape[ 0 ] ) # Mean

### Pull target data variable
variable_data = dataframe.loc[ : , variable ].values

### Iterate through the local point grid to evaluate the kriged/interpolated results
for row in range( local_point_grid.shape[ 0 ] ):

### Parse the k-closest points based on the defined range-threshold
inside_indices , outside_indices , out_of_sample_weights = (
range_index_threshold( local_point_grid[ row , : ] ,
distance_matrix[ row , : ] ,
variogram_parameters[ 'range' ] ,
kriging_parameters[ 'kmin' ] )

### Index the within-sample distance indices
distance_within_indices = local_point_grid[ row , : ][ inside_indices ]

### Calculate the theoretical (semi)variogram at defined lag distances
modeled_semivariogram = variogram( distance_lags = distance_matrix[ row , distance_within_indices ] ,
variogram_parameters = variogram_parameters )

### For Ordinary Kriging, we shift the lags by 1 to include a constant term (1.0)
# TODO: Should we put in statements for Objective mapping and Universal Kriging w/ Linear drift? # noqa
lagged_semivariogram = np.concatenate( [ modeled_semivariogram , [ 1.0 ] ] )

### Calculate the covariance/kriging matrix
kriging_matrix = compute_kriging_matrix( dataframe.x_transformed[ distance_within_indices ].values ,
dataframe.y_transformed[ distance_within_indices ].values ,
variogram_parameters = variogram_parameters )

### Use singular value decomposition (SVD) to solve for the
### kriging weights (lambda)
kriging_weights = compute_kriging_weights( kriging_parameters[ 'anisotropy' ] , lagged_semivariogram , kriging_matrix )

### Compute Kriging value and variance
# Index the appropriate data values
point_values = variable_data[ distance_within_indices ]

### Calculate the kriged mean, predication variance, and sample variance
kriged_stats = compute_kriging_statistics( point_values ,
lagged_semivariogram ,
kriging_weights ,
inside_indices ,
outside_indices ,
out_of_sample_weights )

### Fill in the iterable values from the output (tuple) of
### `compute_kriging_statistics()`
kriging_mean[ row ] = kriged_stats[ 0 ]
kriging_prediction_variance[ row ] = kriged_stats[ 1 ]
kriging_sample_variance[ row ] = kriged_stats[ 2 ]

### Remove nonsense values (NaN, negative)
kriging_mean = np.where( ( kriging_mean < 0 ) | np.isnan( kriging_mean ) , 0.0 , kriging_mean )

### Carriage return
return kriging_mean , kriging_prediction_variance , kriging_sample_variance

def kriging_interpolation( dataframe ,
transformed_mesh ,
dataframe_mesh ,
dataframe_geostrata ,
variogram_parameters ,
kriging_parameters ,
variable = 'B_a_adult' ):

### Discretize latitudinal bins
latitude_bins = np.concatenate( [ [ -90.0 ] , dataframe_geostrata.northlimit_latitude , [ 90.0 ] ] )

### Discretize mesh data into the same strata
dataframe_mesh[ 'stratum_num' ] = pd.cut( dataframe_mesh.centroid_latitude ,
latitude_bins ,
labels = list( dataframe_geostrata.stratum_num ) + [ 1 ] ,
ordered = False )

### Run kriging
kriged_results = ordinary_kriging( dataframe , transformed_mesh , variogram_parameters , kriging_parameters )

### Append results to the mesh dataframe
dataframe_mesh[ 'B_a_adult_mean' ] = kriged_results[ 0 ]
dataframe_mesh[ 'B_a_adult_prediction_variance' ] = kriged_results[ 1 ]
dataframe_mesh[ 'B_a_adult_sample_variance' ] = kriged_results[ 2 ]

### Calculate cell area
kriged_result_df = (
.assign( cell_area_nmi2 = lambda x: kriging_parameters[ 'A0' ] * x.fraction_cell_in_polygon ,
B_adult_kriged = lambda x: x.B_a_adult_mean * x.cell_area_nmi2 )

### Carriage return
return kriged_result_df

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