Paper Accepted to CVPR 2022.
Multi-task indoor scene understanding is widely considered as an intriguing formulation, as the affinity of different tasks may lead to improved performance. In this paper, we tackle the new problem of joint semantic, affordance and attribute parsing. However, successfully resolving it requires a model to capture long-range dependency, learn from weakly aligned data and properly balance sub-tasks during training. To this end, we propose an attention-based architecture named Cerberus and a tailored training framework. Our method effectively addresses aforementioned challenges and achieves state-of-the-art performance on all three tasks. Moreover, an in-depth analysis shows concept affinity consistent with human cognition, which inspires us to explore the possibility of extremely low-shot learning. Surprisingly, Cerberus achieves strong results using only 0.1%-1% annotation. Visualizations further confirm that this success is credited to common attention maps across tasks. Code and models are publicly available.
If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:
title={Cerberus Transformer: Joint Semantic, Affordance and Attribute Parsing},
author={Xiaoxue Chen and Tianyu Liu and Hao Zhao and Guyue Zhou and Ya-Qin Zhang},
Then, prepare NYUd2 dataset or your own dataset.
NYUd2 dataset should have the following hierachy:
| info.json
| train_images.txt
| train_labels.txt
| val_iamges.txt
| val_labels.txt
└───image(semantic image folder)
| └───...
└───gt_sem_40(semantic label folder)
| └───...
| train_attribute_images.txt
| train_attribute_labels.txt
| val_attribute_iamges.txt
| val_attribute_labels.txt
└───attribute(attribute image and label folder)
| └───aNYU
| └───...
| train_affordance_images.txt
| train_affordance_labels.txt
| val_affordance_iamges.txt
| val_affordance_labels.txt
└───affordance(affordance image and label folder)
Download prepocessed attribute dataset HERE
Download prepocessed affordance dataset HERE
Download prepocessed semantic dataset HERE
You can download pre-trained Cerberus model HERE.
To train a Cerberus on NYUd2 with a single GPU:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train -d [dataset_path] -s 512 --batch-size 2 --random-scale 2 --random-rotate 10 --epochs 200 --lr 0.007 --momentum 0.9 --lr-mode poly --workers 12
To test the trained model with its checkpoint:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python test -d [dataset_path] -s 512 --resume model_best.pth.tar --phase val --batch-size 1 --ms --workers 10