Service for uploading Questionnaire files to Blaise.
This is done by uploading the Questionnaire package to a GCP Bucket then sending a request to the Blaise Rest API to install it onto Blaise.
This project is a React application which when built is rendered by a Node.js express server. The Node.js handles the file being uploaded from the client and uploads the file to a GCP bucket using the @google-cloud/storage module.
Blaise Questionnaire Metadata Service (BIMS) handles storing Instrument Metadata like the Telephone Operations start date used by Telephone Operations Blaise Interface (TOBI).
Blaise UAC Service (BUS) handles the generation of Unique Access Codes (UACs) for Questionnaires.
To run Blaise Deploy Questionnaire Service locally, you'll need to have Node installed, as well as yarn.
To have the list of Questionnaires load on the page, you'll need to
have Blaise Rest API running locally (On a Windows machine), or you
can create an Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) tunnel
from a GCP Compute Instance running the rest API in a sandbox. An example command to connect to the rest api VM on local
port 5011
sudo gcloud compute start-iap-tunnel restapi-1 80 --local-host-port=localhost:5011 --zone europe-west2-a
Clone the repository:
git clone
Create a new .env file and add the following variables.
Variable | Description | Var Example |
PORT | Optional variable, specify the Port for express server to run on. If not passed in this is set as 5000 by default. It's best not to set this as the react project will try and use the variable as well and conflict. By default, React project locally runs on port 3000 |
5009 |
BLAISE_API_URL | URL that the Blaise Rest API is running on to send calls to | localhost:90 |
PROJECT_ID | GCP Project ID | ons-blaise-dev-matt55 |
BUCKET_NAME | GCP Bucket name for the Questionnaire file to be put in | ons-blaise-dev-matt55-dqs |
SERVER_PARK | Name of Blaise Server Park | gusty |
BIMS_API_URL | URL that the BIMS Service is running on to send calls to set and get the live date | localhost:5011 |
BIMS_CLIENT_ID | GCP IAP ID for the BIMS Service | randomKey0112 |
BUS_API_CLIENT | Not needed for local development but the config will look for this variables in the .env file and throw an error if it is not found. Hence, give them a random string | FOO |
BUS_CLIENT_ID | Not needed for local development but the config will look for this variables in the .env file and throw an error if it is not found. Hence, give them a random string | FOO |
CREATE_DONOR_CASES_CLOUD_FUNCTION_URL | URL to trigger the Create Donor Cases Cloud Function in GCP. This is needed when you want to deploy donor cases for an IPS questionnaire. The Cloud Function needs to be deployed in GCP. | |
REISSUE_NEW_DONOR_CASE_CLOUD_FUNCTION_URL | URL to trigger the Reissue New Donor Case Cloud Function in GCP. This is needed when you want to reissue a new donor case for an IPS questionnaire. The Cloud Function needs to be deployed in GCP. | |
To find the X_CLIENT_ID
, navigate to the GCP console, search for IAP
, click the three dots on right of the service and select OAuth
. Client Id
will be on the right.
The .env file should be setup as below
Example .env file:
NB DQS environment variables for sandboxes can be found within GCP > App Engine > Versions > DQS service > Config
Install the project dependencies:
Running yarn or yarn install will install the required modules specified in the yarn.lock file.
The versions of theses modules are fixed in the yarn.lock files, so to avoid unwanted upgrades or instability caused by incorrect modifications, DO NOT DELETE THE LOCK FILE.
More information about yarn (
Authenticate with GCP:
gcloud auth login
Set your GCP project:
gcloud config set project ons-blaise-v2-dev-<sandbox-suffix>
create a keys.json file:
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create keys.json --iam-account ons-blaise-v2-dev-<sandbox>
To export the Google application credentials
as a runtime variable:
Open a tunnel to our Blaise RESTful API in your GCP project:
gcloud compute start-iap-tunnel restapi-1 80 --local-host-port=localhost:8011 --zone europe-west2-a
Ensure the proxy is configured to the correct port in the 'package.json'
"proxy": "http://localhost:5000",
In a new terminal, run Node.js server and React.js client via the following package.json script
yarn dev
The UI should now be accessible via:
Tests can be run via the following package.json script:
yarn test
Test snapshots can be updated via:
yarn test -u
You can run this service in a container, the Dockerfile is setup to:
- Update and upgrade the Docker container image.
- Setup Yarn and the required dependencies.
- Run the tests, the build will fail if the tests fail.
- Build the React project for serving by express
- Run Yarn Start on startup
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