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3 21 Deployment Test Plan

claycompton edited this page Mar 11, 2014 · 1 revision

·         #1957
Remove 'nucmd work run'

Andrew Nurse

·         Opened by anurse 2 hours ago

Pull Request #4: Removed 'nucmd work run' command

·         "nucmd work run":  verify error message on execution

·         "nucmd work invoke": verify this command's behavior is unaffected by change

·         Invoke each job with JobHost.exe, validate successful execution and logging.

·         Run JobHost.exe with "dbg" switch, verify successful execution and logging.


·         #1955
Add nucmds for querying the search index


·         Opened by anurse 3 days ago

Pull Request #5: Added Search Client Commands


·         nucmd search query

·         Validate running without password

·         Run without query, verify exception handling

·         Run with every combination of two argument flags, verify results

·         Perform Search syntax and search relevance tests (link:  Automated Search Tests)

·         Verify E2E experience of building a client app that consumes this data

·         nucmd search checksums

·         Validate password security for the command

·         Test user experience of searching for a single checksum using tool.

·         Test the experience of getting the checksums for multiple versions of a package

·         Test the experience of getting the checksums for multiple packages from a single uploader

·         nucmd search diag

·         Validate password security for the command

·         Verify output data formatting

·         nucmd search fields

·         Validate password security for the command

·         Verify E2E experience of using listed fields in search queries.


·         #1940
Add work service jobs to maintain search service index

Andrew Nurse

·         Opened by anurse 6 days ago


·         #1922
Build a work job to generate search relevance rankings

Andrew Nurse

·         Opened by anurse 14 days ago


Pull Request #8: Fix NuGet/NuGetGallery#1940 by adding search maintenance tasks

Pull Request #5: Fix NuGet/NuGetGallery#1922 by creating a job to generate search relevance rankings



·         Verify successful messages get logged from this job.

·         Verify blob content post-execution

o    Confirm new package downloads are reflected in rankings.

o    Sanity-check the package rankings data per project type.



·         Verify successful messages get logged from this job.

·         Edit a package, rebuild, verify updated search index



·         Verify successful messages get logged from this job.

·         Upload a new package, verify presence in search index after 2 mins.

·         Upload a new package version, verify presence in search index after 2 mins.

·         Edit a package, verify presence in search index after 2 mins.


Andrew's Test Notes:

The search service has some tasks that maintain the index (FullBuild, UpdateIndex, etc.). Those need to be plugged in to the Work Service

·         Rebuild the entire index (this job will not be scheduled, but will be available to be invoked, and should be run before deployment of the search service to new environments)

·         Update the index incrementally

·         Check Index Consistency (verify that the number of documents is near the number of packages in the DB)

(Note:  big)

·         #1923
CreateOnlineDatabaseBackupJob silently fails if source database does not exist

Andrew Nurse

·         Opened by anurse 14 days ago

Pull Request #9: Fix NuGet/NuGetGallery#1923 by failing with an exception if source database not found

·         Run without target db, verify exception details

·         Define target in AppModel.xml, verify backup target in live site backend

·         Define target in payload, verify backup target in live site backend

·         E2E:  Confirm experience of using JobHost to run job and discovering requirement.

·         E2E:  Confirm experience of scheduling jobs without a payload and discovering requirement.


·         #1905
Create initial search service

Andrew Nurse

·         Opened by anurse 19 days ago

·         1 comment


·         Verify tokenization (e.g. AbAcAd can be found by searching for "Ab Ac", "AbAc", "Ab Ad", etc.)

·         E2E for search relevance (link:  Automated Search Tests)

·         E2E for debugging into poor search results (e.g. in response to a package owner complaint)

·         E2E for user scenarios around complaining about poor search results (how would someone get in touch with us?)

·         E2E for consuming the search service in a custom client app

·         Validate scenarios from Andrew's test notes below.

·         Bug Bash (time permitting; I might wait until the search service is better integrated)


Andrew's Test Notes

Using the Admin Key in the CSCFG file, you can access  https://<searchservicehost>/search/console  in order to test various queries. Since the service is not yet integrated into the Gallery, this provides a simple way to bash on the data and ensure a few things:

·         When a new package is uploaded, it appears in the index within 2 minutes

·         When a new version of an existing package is uploaded, it appears within 2 minutes

·         When a package is listed/unlisted, the index is updated within 2 minutes (ensure "Ignore Filter" is not checked as that will ignore the listed/unlisted filter)

·         When a package is edited, the index is updated about 2 minutes AFTER the edit is finalized by HandlePackageEdits.


·         #1901
CreateOnlineDatabaseBackupJob throws if TargetDatabase is null

Andrew Nurse

Issue #1941: Unhandled NullReferenceException in CreateOnlineDatabaseBackup if TargetDatabaseName is not defined

Pull Request #10: Fix NuGet/NuGetGallery#1901 by adding ye olde null-check

·         Re-run repro scenario, verify exception handling.

·         Define target in AppModel.xml, verify backup target in live site backend

·         Define target in payload, verify backup target in live site backend

·         E2E:  Confirm experience of using JobHost to run job and discovering requirement.

·         E2E:  Confirm experience of scheduling jobs without a payload and discovering requirement.