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MIDI Router


MIDI Router is an advanced MIDI routing system for MacOS.

In short, MIDIRouter is able to:

  • Watch for MIDI messages on an input interface
  • Replay or not these eventually transformed messages on an output MIDI interface

Mmhh-kay.. can you give me some examples?"

The most simple use is to replay all messages from the input interface to the output interface.

Now you may simply want to replay all messages on MIDI channel 1 to the output interface (and ignore others).

But maybe you want to replay all those MIDI messages on channel 1 to the output interface but on channel 5 (and ignore others).

Hey, but can I transform a Pitch bend event to an Aftertouch event?"

Yes, you can!

Hey, but can I transform a Control Change message with number 4 received on Channel 7 to a Sysex messages, with value encoded into 14 bits?"

Yes, you can!

Well, now you got the idea :)


MIDIRouter is free for personal use (artists, hobbyists, just-want-to-try-ists).

For commercial and professional use I'll ask for a 50€ fee that will give you access to:

  • Pre-Compiled binaries
  • Software support
  • Configuration support

For licensing questions, contact me at midirouter [at]

Future work

This program is still under construction, so you may encounter bugs, changes, etc.

I plan to:

  • Support CCAh output messages
  • Add a few commented configuration examples
  • Allow interconnection of two MIDIRouter instances, over an IP network (so yes, you would be able to filter, tranform and re-emit MIDI messages to another MIDI device, somewhere on the Internet :) )


I'm setting up a set of Use cases with their associated configuration file.


General settings:

Name Type Description
SourceDevice string MIDI input device
DestinationDevice string MIDI output device
DefaultPassthrough bool When no filter matches, replay packet "as it"
SendLimitMs integer Limit number of output MIDI messages per second

Rules settings:

All filters are declared in a "Rules" JSON array and processed on the configuration file order.

A Rule is built using three items:

  • A filter, used to match a MIDI message read from the MIDI input device
  • A Transformation, used to optionally modify the matched MIDI messaged
  • A Generator, used to create and play a MIDI message on the MIDI output device


Filter description depends on the Filter Type (Program Change, Note On/Off, CC, etc.) but all of them share some parameters:

Name Type Description
Name string A human readable string, describing this filter
Channel string The MIDI channel to match (1-16 or *)
MsgType string The type of midi message to match (see below)
Settings object Message Type specfic settings (see below)

The following message types (MsgType) can be used:

  • Note On
  • Note Off
  • Aftertouch
  • Control Change
  • Program Change
  • Channel Pressure
  • Pitch Wheel

Note On settings

Name Type Description
Note Integer value between 00 and 127 Note number (Middle C is 60). Use "*" for any
Velocity Integer value between 00 and 127 Velocity value. Use "*" for any

Note Off settings

Name Type Description
Note Integer value between 00 and 127 Note number (Middle C is 60). Use "*" for any
Velocity Integer value between 00 and 127 Velocity value. Use "*" for any

Aftertouch settings

Name Type Description
Pressure Integer value between 00 and 127 Pressure value. Use "*" for any

Control Change settings

Name Type Description
Mode String Describe how many CC are sent (see below)
ControllerNumber Integer value between 00 and (127 or 31) Controller Number value. Use "*" for any
Value Integer value between 00 and 127 Control value. Use "*" for any

The following modes are implemented:

  • Standard: 1 Control Change message, value is 7 bits (controller number is from 0 to 127)
  • CCAh : 2 Control Change message, value is 14 bits (controller number is from 0 to 31)

On CCAh (Faderfox EC4) each CC is coded into 2 CC messages:

  • Controler number goes from 0 to 31 (5 bits)
  • On first message, ControllerNumber is the controller numer as "it" (from 0 to 31)
  • On second message, ControllerNumber is the controller number + 0x20

Program Change settings

Name Type Description
ProgramNumber Integer value between 00 and 127 Program number. Use "*" for any

Channel Pressure settings

Name Type Description
Pressure Integer value between 00 and 127 Pressure value. Use "*" for any

Pitch Wheel settings

Name Type Description
Pitch Integer value between 00 and 127 Pitch value. Use "*" for any


Transformations are optional and if not specified, no transformation will be applied to the value extracted by the filter. They will typically be used to convert a value to the one displayed on a Controller.

A transform will contain the following items:

Name Description
Mode "None": No transformation. "Linear": liear scale. "LinearDrop": linear scale & drop out of range values.
FromMin Minimal expected value to be received on input
FromMax Maximum value to be received on input
ToMin Minimal value to be generated
ToMax Maximum value to be generated

When using "Linear" mode, transformation will transpose a value from [FromMin, FromMax] to a value [ToMin, ToMax] using a simple linear extrapolation. The "LinearDrop" mode will do the same, but drop all input values out of [FromMin, FromMax] and computed output value out of ToMin, ToMax].


Let's say your MIDI controller is used to set a % value from 0 to 100. Actually your destination device expects a value from 0 to 127. You will use the following configuration:

"Transform": {
  "Mode": "Linear",
  "FromMin": 0,
  "FromMax": 100,
  "ToMin": 0,
  "ToMax": 127

Now imagine your have the same setup but .. well.. your controller lets you pick a value from 101 to 127 (which is pretty weird forf a %). So you just want to ignore values from 101 to 127.

"TransformDrop": {
  "Mode": "Linear",
  "FromMin": 0,
  "FromMax": 100,
  "ToMin": 0,
  "ToMax": 127


Generator settings depends on the Message Type (Program Change, Note On/Off, CC, etc.) but all of them share some parameters:

Name Type Description
Name string A human readable string, describing this generator
MsgType string The type of generated midi message (see below)
Channel string The MIDI channel to use (1-16 or *)
Settings object Message Type specfic settings (see below)

The following message types (MsgType) can be used:

  • Note On
  • Note Off
  • Aftertouch
  • Control Change
  • Program Change
  • Channel Pressure
  • Pitch Wheel

When using "*" as MIDI channel, the MIDI channel of the filtered message is re-used.

Each message type has its own settings, but the following special values can be used:

  • "*" : reuse original value taken from filtered message
  • "$" : use value extracted by the filter

Note On settings

Name Type Description
Note Integer value between 00 and 127 Note number (Middle C is 60).
Velocity Integer value between 00 and 127 Velocity value.

The following values can also be set:

    • : use the original value. Will only be valid if filter is a NoteOn of NoteOff message.
  • $ : use the extracted value by the filter