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Table of Contents

Darkn edited this page Mar 20, 2023 · 4 revisions

Table of Contents

This is a page which is meant to be a Table of Contents that redirects to every page in the Wiki. This is to be used as a way to easily get to another page, or to get context for what each Wiki Page is for.

This is the main page of the Wiki. You can get quick information about what XinaA15 is and some other extra information.

This is the list of compatible devices in the Wiki. This allows you to understand what iOS versions are compatible with XinaA15, and what devices are also compatible.

This is the list of warnings for XinaA15. This allows you to understand what is dangerous about XinaA15 and how to prevent any damages.

This is the installation guide for XinaA15. You can understand how to install XinaA15 here.

This is the uninstallation guide for XinaA15. You can learn how to uninstall XinaA15 here.

This is the updating guide for XinaA15. This will teach you how to update XinaA15.

This is the list of Fixes for XinaA15. You can fix any issues you have with this Wiki page, you can't fix all of them but you can fix any common issues.

This is a list of questions that are quickly answered. If you want to know an answer about a quick question, you can go here.