Wiki and code repository for my CS0, CS1, and CS2 classes
This repo contains my course notes and source code for the CS0, CS1, and CS2 classes I teach at Normandale Community College, in Bloomington, MN. This is, and will probably forever remain, a work in progress.
Writing software is all about problem solving, at two different levels. The first is the real-world problem to be solved, for example:
- How can I keep track of the data for a youth baseball league?
- How can I find the outlines of objects in a photograph?
- How can I take this data representing a 3D object and create a triangular mesh for a 3D printer?
The second level is the problem of how to take that real-world problem solution and implement it in a way that allows a computer to efficiently execute it.
The CSn courses are all about that second level of problem solving.
Here is the breakdown of topics, by course. Note that this is not a hard-and-fast breakdown; there are some semesters in which I may choose to incorporate some CS1 topics into CS0 or CS2, or introduce some CS2 topics into CS1.
- Variables and Types
- Assignment statements
- Arithmetic expressions
- Selection
- Logical expressions
- Loops
- Arrays
- Functions
- Aggragation
- Recursion
- Some basic algorithms
- Half-open ranges
- Algorithm correctness
- Simple sorts
- Abstract Data Types and APIs
- Encapsulation
- Data hiding
- Class invariants
- Linked lists
- Basic structure
- Insertion and removal
- Performance issues
- Inheritance
- Implementation inheritance
- Interface inheritance
- Predicates
- Linked lists revisited
- Find min/max element
- Remove min/max element
- Some elementary ADTs
- Arrays vs. linked lists
- Stack
- Queue
- Priority queues
- Symbol tables
- Algorithm complexity
- Sorting
- Quicksort
- Partition
- Nth Element
- 3-way quicksort
- Other sorting-related algorithms
- Partial Sort
- Sort Subrange
- Partition Subrange
- Heaps
- Priority queues
- Heapsort
- Non-comparison sorting
- Radix sort
- Key-indexed counting
- LSD and MSD string sorts
- Searching
- Set API
- Symbol table API
- Applications
- Implementation
- Search trees
- Unbalanced binary trees
- Balanced binary trees
- 2-3 trees
- Red-black trees
- AVL trees
- KD-trees
- Hash tables
- Hash functions
- Division method
- Multiplilcation method
- Collision resolution
- Separate chaining
- Linear probing
- Double hashing
- Cuckoo hashing
- Graphs
- Separation of data structures from algorithms
- Union-find
- Undirected graphs
- Finding Paths
- Applications
- Depth-first search
- Breadth-first search
- Connected Components
- Directed graphs
- Finding Paths
- DFS and BFS
- Cycle detection
- Topological sort
- Strong connectivity
- Edge-weighted undirected graphs
- Minimum spanning trees
- APIs (edge and graph)
- Prim's algorithm
- Kruskal's algorithm
- Edge-weighted directed graphs
- Shortest path
- Dijkstra's algorithm
- DAG shortest path
- Job scheduling
- Bellman-Ford
- Non-integral vertex IDs
- Dynamic graphs
- Language rants
- How not to code like a n00b
- That's not a bug...
- Don't write your own date/time classes
- Practice
- Create a portfolio