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Merge pull request #1057 from Norconex/feature/CU-86888fmx3/crawler-s… #51

Merge pull request #1057 from Norconex/feature/CU-86888fmx3/crawler-s…

Merge pull request #1057 from Norconex/feature/CU-86888fmx3/crawler-s… #51

name: Proactive notification of branch conflict
- main
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Install Git
run: sudo apt-get install git -y
- name: setup mail service
run: sudo apt install mailutils -y
# Clone the branch, setup user information, and checkout main branch for later files checking
- name: Fetch all branches and setup user information
run: |
git clone /home/runner/work/crawlers/crawlers
cd /home/runner/work/crawlers/crawlers
git config "GitHub Action"
git config "${{ github.actor_id }}+${{ }}"
git checkout main
# check if core files are being modified
- name: Get modified files
id: modified-files
uses: tj-actions/[email protected]
files_ignore: |
# start testing main branch into each sub-branches, only run if core files are modified
- name: Test merge main into branches
if: steps.modified-files.outputs.any_changed == 'true'
run: |
for branch in $(git branch -r | grep -v 'origin/main' | cut -d '/' -f 2-); do
# only test branches that does not contains "snyk, dependabot, 3.x, 2.x, bugfix/unknown-properties in branch name
if [[ $branch == *"feature/"* || $branch == *"bugfix/"* ]]; then
git checkout -b temp-merge-$branch origin/$branch
# Extract the branch name from the format xxxx/branch-name
branch_name=$(echo "$branch" | cut -d '/' -f 2-)
# Get the last commit author of all the committers on the branch, only committers who has a valid norconex or gmail email will be emailed.
COMMIT_AUTHORS=$(git log remotes/origin/$branch --format='%ae' | sort -u | grep 'gmail\|norconex')
# start merging the main branch into sub-branch
if git merge --no-commit --no-ff origin/main; then
# notify branch committers merge succeeded
echo "Merging main into $branch succeeded"
for author in $COMMIT_AUTHORS; do
echo "Commit author: $author"
# email committers changes in main can be merged into his/her branch without conflicts
echo "There are updates to the main branch, and test merge to your branch succeeded. Please update your branch. Thanks" | mail -s "Test Merge succeeded - Branch: $branch_name" $author
# reset the merge conditiion for next run
git reset --hard
# notify branch committers merge failed
echo "Merging main into $branch failed"
# get only the branch-name without the /
file_name=$(echo "$branch" | awk -F'/' '{print $NF}')
# for debug use
# echo "File name: $file_name"
# Save the result of the merge command to a file
touch failed-report-$file_name.diff
# add the git difference to file for user to review
git diff > failed-report-$file_name.diff
# for debug use
# more failed-report-$file_name.diff
for author in $COMMIT_AUTHORS; do
echo "Commit author: $author"
# email committers that changes in main has conflicts with his/her branch, and attached the details for review.
echo "There are updates to the main branch, but test merge failed, attached is the details of the conflicts. Please resolve the conflicts and keep your branch up to date. Thanks" | mail -s "Test Merge FAILED - Branch: $branch_name" -A failed-report-$file_name.diff $author
# add failed branch name to a variable to send slack notification
failed_branches+="$branch, "
# abort the merge in conflict for next run
git merge --abort
echo "failed_branches=${failed_branches}" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Enable for debug use
# - name: printout failed branches
# run: |
# echo "failed branches are: ${{ env.failed_branches }}"
# send failed alert to slack/github-builds channels
- name: Slack Notification
if: ${{ steps.modified-files.outputs.any_changed == 'true' && (env.failed_branches == '' || env.failed_branches == null) }}
uses: rtCamp/action-slack-notify@v2
SLACK_USERNAME: "Github merge test"
SLACK_COLOR: failure
MSG_MINIMAL: actions url
SLACK_TITLE: 'Github Branch Merge FAILED!!'
SLACK_MESSAGE: 'Check your branch: ${{ env.failed_branches }}'