A standalone plugin taken from the app Specinator, DiscordSpecsRP allows you to share your specs with everyone on Discord.
- Show your specs in the Rich Presence tab on Discord 💬
- Easy to use and install 💿
- Download the packed file from the releases page. 📥
- Open the packed binary file. 💻
Please see TROUBLESHOOTING.md for all the issues you might encounter. Only open an issue if the issue is NOT listed above.
If you'd like to run this repo and make changes yourself locally, you can do it this way:
- Install npm.
- Clone this repo.
- Open a command line in the folder with this repo.
- Type
npm install
in the command line. - Start/debug the app using the command
node .
If you'd like to support the development of DiscordSpecsRP, consider donating at ko-fi.com/specinator. 💜
If you're interested in contributing with new code / improvements to DiscordSpecsRP, feel free to do so! 🤗