A simple command line tool to move your competitive programming workflow to your terminal.
$ pip install -U codeforces
$ cf --help
- Clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/Nirlep5252/codeforces-cli
- Install it
$ cd ./codeforces-cli
$ python3 -m pip install build
$ python3 -m build
$ python3 -m pip install dist/codeforces-0.0.1-py3-none-any.whl --force-reinstall
- Happy coding!
$ cf --help
cf config
- save your username, password, problems-directory
cf contests
- list all the current or upcoming contests
cf contests {ID}
- view all the problems of an ongoing contest
cf parse {Contest ID} {Problem ID | Optional} {--lang | Optional}
- parse the problem and its test cases
cf run {FILE}
- check the test cases for the current problem (works based on current directory)
cf submit {FILE}
- submit the problem (requires config) (works based on current directory)
cf unsolved
- return the list of all your unsolved problems
cf edit {CONTEST ID}
- open the contest folder in the editor of choice (only 3 supported so far)
cf standings {Contest ID | Optional}
- show all the standings of an ongoing of finished contests
cf suggest
- suggest a problem based on your current rating
- Support all languages in run
- A problem recommendation system, maybe?