This repository contains the code files taught from the deep learning course from PadhAI.
Each folder inside the repo contains the code for the respective topic and has support to execute the code directly in Google colab and/or Kaggle Kernels without worrying about installing the dependencies
- ActivationFunction and WeightMethods: Analyzing the effect of activations and weight initialisation methods on deep neural network.
- Overfitting and Regularization: concept of overfitting in deep neural networks and how regularization helps to address the problem of overfitting.
- PytorchIntro: Tutorial code for deep learning researchers to learn PyTorch using GPU in Colab.
- Feedforward With Pytorch: Tutorial code for building feedforward neural networks using Pytorch.
- Image Classification Using Pytorch: Building Image classifier using Pytorch on CIFAR10, FashionMNIST datasets
- Visualizing CNN Models: Visualizing the filters present in CNN.
- Batch Normalization and Dropout in Neural Networks: Batch Norm and Dropout explained with Pytorch
$ git clone
$ cd DeepLearning-PadhAI/
NiranjanKumar @niranjankumar-c