This repository contains In-EVM Solana Light-Client State verification project. In particular:
- Solana "light-client" mock data generator according to the description in here:
- Solana "light-client" state proof submission protocol and circuit description.
- State proof generator (
) - In-EVM state proof verificator.
Auxiliary proof generator is implemented in C++ and uses =nil; Crypto3 C++ Cryptography Suite ( for cryptographic primitives definition.
Libraries requirements are as follows:
- Boost ( (>= 1.76)
Compiler/environment requirements are as follows:
- CMake ( (>= 3.13)
- GCC (>= 10.3) / Clang (>= 9.0.0) / AppleClang (>= 11.0.0)
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make state-proof-mock
Project documentation is available at
Light-client state proof generator is a UNIX-style application taking Solana's light-client state data as an input and producing the proof as an output.
It is implemented in C++ and uses =nil; Crypto3 C++ Cryptography Suite ( for cryptographic primitives definition.
Libraries requirements are as follows:
- Boost ( (>= 1.76)
Compiler/environment requirements are as follows:
- CMake ( (>= 3.13)
- GCC (>= 10.3) / Clang (>= 9.0.0) / AppleClang (>= 11.0.0)
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make state-proof-gen
make zk_lpc_test && make zk_fri_test
make zk_lpc_performance_test
mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && cmake --build . -t state-proof-gen state-mock blueprint_plonk_endo_scalar_test
share/state-proof-verify/benchmark/ ${PATH_TO_SECRET}/.secret
docker build -t state_proof_verify -f ./share/state-proof-verify/docker/Dockerfile .
docker run -i -e SECRET="$(cat ${PATH_TO_SECRET}/.secret)" state_proof_verify
Issue reports are preferred to be done with Github Issues in here:
Forum-alike discussion topics are better to be done with Discussions section in here:
Usage and development questions a preferred to be asked in a Telegram chat: