Pre-releaseTechnically this isn't a product release, but more about the core monorepo being in place.
There are stub projects for:
- Static documentation
- Dashboard
- Main React site
- React Native iOS
- React Native Android
Fully automated CI using github actions are in place.
All the web apps auto deploy to Cloudflare based on pushes to main.
The iOS app builds and deploys based on pushes to main. This is fully automated and delivers a new build to TestFlight without any manual steps.
The Android apps builds and deploys based on pushes to main. This is partially automated and delivers a new build to the Google Play store. At that point the Play Store site needs to be used to release the app. But this is only while on the 'internal' track. Once reviewed and promoted to the Alpha or Beta track the entire process is already automated.
Dependabot already automates dependency updating.
CodeQL and Sonarqube scan all code for security and quality issues.
Although none of the real apps do anything yet, a fully automated monorepo is in place with a CI that takes 1 minute to run.
For more info see here.