A Julia package for creating and searching Vantage Point Trees
Functionality includes k-nearest neighbors (kNN) search and range search
Code is focused on high performance and high generality
Licensed under the MIT License
Vantage Point Trees (VP Trees) are similar to KD trees; however, constructing a KD tree requires knowledge of the structure of the space in which the data points live. VP Trees on the other hand require nothing more than a metric that gives the distance between two points.
In Julia:
using VPTrees
# Create some points in 3D space
n = 100000
points = randn(3, n)
point_indices = collect(1:n)
# Define a metric (Euclidean distance in this case)
function metric(i::Int, j::Int)
x = points[1, i] - points[1, j]
y = points[2, i] - points[2, j]
z = points[3, i] - points[3, j]
return sqrt(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)
# Construct a VP Tree containing all of the points
tree = VPTree(metric, point_indices)
# Find the 10 nearest points to point 123
indices, distances = knn(tree, 123, 10)
# Find all points within a distance of 1.5 from point 123
indices, distances = rangesearch(tree, 123, 1.5)
VPTree(metric::Function, point_indices::Vector{Int})
Construct a VP Tree from a set of points indexed by point_indices
. The user-supplied function metric(i::Int, j::Int)
takes the indices of two points and returns the distance between them.
knn(tree::VPTree, point_index::Int, k::Int)
Search a VP Tree for the k
nearest neighbors to the point indexed by point_index
. Returns a list of neighbor indices and a list of their corresponding distances.
rangesearch(tree:VPTree, point_index::Int, radius::T)
Search a VP Tree for all points within a distance of radius
from the point indexed by point_index
. Returns a list of neighbor indices and a list of their corresponding distances.
If a VP Tree is intended to be used for a significant number of search queries, then one neighbor list can be used for all searches in order to reduce the amount of time spent allocating/deallocating memory.
knn!(neighbors::NeighborList, tree::VPTree, point_index::Int, num_neighbors::Int)
rangesearch!(neighbors::NeighborList, tree:VPTree, point_index::Int, radius::T)
These functions are the same as knn()
and rangesearch()
, but use the neighbor list neighbors
to store the results of the search query. The initial contents of the list are cleared.
Construct an empty neighbor list with room for up to num_neighbors
neighbors. The neighbor distances are of type T
Return a list of neighbor indices.
Return a list of neighbor distances.
knn_sq(), knn_sq!(), rangesearch_sq(), rangesearch_sq!()
In some cases, the performance bottleneck for creating and searching VP Trees is the sqrt()
function. It is often faster to work directly with the squared distances between points instead. These variants of the search functions assume that all distance values are actually squared distance values.
knn!(metric::Function, neighbors::NeighborList, node::Node, point_index::Int, num_neighbors::Int)
rangesearch!(metric::Function, neighbors::NeighborList, node::Node, point_index::Int, r::T)
Searches a given node
using the metric function metric
and neighbor list neighbors
- VP Tree construction
- k-nearest neighbor search for points that exist within the VP Tree
- Range search for points that exist within the VP Tree
- k-nearest neighbor search for points not in the VP Tree
- Range search for points not in the VP Tree
- Insert, replace, and delete points from an existing VP Tree
- Figure out why
allocate memory. These functions should not be allocating any memory. - Add support for using the
package in order to streamline the usage of common metrics.