AzureOidc #6
3 errors
Azure Oidc
AADSTS700213: No matching federated identity record found for presented assertion subject 'repo:NickGraham101/actions-sandbox:ref:refs/heads/azure-oidc'. Please check your federated identity credential Subject, Audience and Issuer against the presented assertion. Trace ID: ff520886-bb0c-45c3-9491-20a1b17de000 Correlation ID: 740288cc-d6cd-4f8c-832b-a29c3ab203fb Timestamp: 2024-03-06 15:55:48Z
Azure Oidc
Interactive authentication is needed. Please run:
az login
Azure Oidc
Login failed with Error: The process '/usr/bin/az' failed with exit code 1. Double check if the 'auth-type' is correct. Refer to for more information.