Dear website owners: if you put this little script into your site, it will show a war awareness popup to Russian visitors. Many official sites might be currently blocked, but yours isn’t. Many Russians already know, but some might need a nudge. Note: This will not block Russian visitors from your page. Click anywhere and the popup closes.
Just add the following snippet before </body>
tag of your page.
<script type="text/javascript" src="" async defer></script>
It says:
Russians! Your government is lying to you about Ukraine. Innocent people and children are being killed!
Please find a way to learn the truth from family, friends or from news outside of Russia and help to stop the war!
You can check the translation on
You can change the title and text like this.
window.HELP_THE_UKRAINE_NOW_TITLE = "Your custom title";
window.HELP_THE_UKRAINE_NOW_TEXT = "Your custom text";
<script type="text/javascript" src="" async defer></script>