Public Worship and Aids to Devotion Website
Install mongodb
npm install
npm start
Install Docker
npm install
npm run dev
name: Name
email: Email
profilePhoto: Url
googleProviderId: Text
password: Password
isProtected: Boolean
For static files (and website?)
- PDF of Pray
- PDF of Rejoice
- PWAD pdf papers
- Committee page
- ...etc - extracted from existing sites
AWS S3 backend
- signed URLs?
- storing indexed files
For authentication and access control
- Committee users
- Administrator users
ACL options
For search
- Hymns
- Services
- Search All
Public Users
- ability to search items by Keyword, Title, Bible verse, Tune, First line or Context
Search index created from uploaded files
Index options
- mongodb?
- dynamodb?
- elastic?
For site content
Handle indexing and storage of uploaded files
Committee Users
- Logins (username and passwords) for Committee who do the tagging and adding
- A Super-user who can manage these logins
- ability to add items by Keyword, Title, Bible verse, Tune, First line or Context
- ability to tag items by Keyword, Title, Bible verse, Tune, First line or Context
- Context = Liturgical context eg "Call to Worship", "Praise"
- Keyword = thematic keywords eg "Repentance", "Judgement"
- Bible verse = Bible reference eg "1 John 1:1"
- Tune = Tune eg "Greensleeves"
- Title = eg "Prayer of Confession", "Immortal, Invisible"
- First line = first line of the item