TritonNeuroTech @ UCSD: Intro Project
- Where the recorded eeg data, intermediate variables, and analysis results for plotting the figures will be stored./data/data
- Contains.mat
files which contain the EEG data from the Dryad dataset./data/example_data
- Contains example data for when we collect our own data.
- Stores all of the figures generated by the scripts./notebooks
- Jupyter notebooks illustrating the data processing for JDA./scripts
- MATLAB scrips for pre-processing the data into usable format and implementing stimulus reconstruction.requirements.txt
- Programs and Tools used.
- Repository aimed at analyzing music imagery data from Marion et. al.'s Music of Silence study
[1] Accurate Decoding of Imagined and Heard Melodies
[2] The Multivariate Temporal Response Function (mTRF) Toolbox
[3] Joint Decorrelation, a Versatile Tool for Multichannel Data Analysis
[4] Imagined Musical Scale Relationships Decoded from Auditory Complex