Forked from Team 43 Final Project from UCSD's COGS 189, Winter 2020.
Trains a classifier to detect whether a person wearing a neurosky is looking at a face or not.
Project Video:
- Data_Analysis: Contains the data and code to visualize / process the data.
- PsychoPy_code: Files regarding experimental set up, including images.
- mindwave_code: Raw eeg collection code.
- Install Lab Recorder from LSL
- Install Python Packages (you'll need to go through the code to see which packages are imported and that you don't have)
- Run the PsychoPy Experiment:
- Start Lab Recorder
- change directory into the PsychoPy_code folder
- python
- Run the NeuroSky Raw EEG collector:
- change directory into the mindwave_code folder
- python
- Select the LSL streams (your EEG stream + PsychoPy markers stream) in Lab Recorder to start recording
- Rename the filename to participant_%p_block_%s.xdf and put the participant# in the Participant field, and session# in the Session field.
- Press "Start" in Lab Recorder
- Put participant# and session# in the popup box from PsychoPy and Run!
- Move the data you just recorded into Data_Analysis/data/
- Run Jupyter Notebook and go to the Data_Analysis folder.
- Open .ipynb files and you can use any of the functions in or